AI Strategy for Creators and Businesses

Excited? Scared? Either way, AI is not going away anytime soon. We help you develop the AI mindset and show you the right tools for tomorrow’s change, today.

Businesses and Creators We Work With

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Content-Based Businesses

Content-Based Businesses with podcasts, YouTube channels, blogs, digital products and courses.

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Knowledge Experts

Authors, coaches, speakers, and consultants who regularly produce quality content that convert.

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Established Creators

YouTubers, podcasters, and bloggers who monetize their content through affiliates & brand collaborations.

What Can AI Do for Your Business?

Let’s start with just a few examples…

ChatGPT and Content at Scale can generate an entire blog post from an idea, a few bullet points, a video

D-ID, ElevenLabs, and Synthesia can create a video or presentation with only text, a still image, and a voice sample

Filmora and Movavi can edit your videos automatically; Munch, PodIntelligence, and Riverside can create sharable clips based on keywords and topics

AdCreative can generate ads with AI in 3 clicks; Canva can produce AI-generated images and art with a text prompt

AI by itself, is not the full story nor the solution to transform your business.

You need the right mindset, ownership, accountability, action, systems, and (then) tools to warranty success.

Digital transformation starts with you, not the technology.

Lead & Learn

Who’s taking the lead to select and learn to use these tools? 

Business Needs

What are the business needs for these AI tools?

AI Strategy

When to use AI, and when NOT to use AI for certain functions and tasks? 

Integration & Reflection

How is AI integrated into your business with a proper system and process?

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How It Works

What we will do together collaboratively

Our 60-min discovery call is going to reveal a lot about your business, your current process and pain points.

From our conversation, we will draft the current-state content ecosystem, and any existing AI solutions you may be using, and identify frictions and challenges you may be facing to inform this research and plan phase.

We reveal and share the recommended future-state content ecosystem, and associated tools with a focus on AI and automation. This session is most productive as a teach-and-learn, educational discussion.

Get ready to shake things up and have fun! We prepare effective walkthrough documentation and tutorial videos for you to own, revise and publish. We have 10+ years of experience in content production, publishing, and consulting.

The process doesn’t stop with implementation and training. Every system needs to be evaluated and evolve at some point. Ours is no exception either. We follow up with you and your team to ensure long-term satisfaction and success.

Pricing and Packages

Our packages include plans that can transform your content creation and sales efficiency with AI, automation, and streamlined processes in order for you to work efficiently with everyone in your business – and finally, free your time to focus on what matters.

To make AI strategy and transformation available to more businesses, we decided to scale our fees based on the annual revenue of your business.

under $1m (annual revenue)


per month

Program Duration: 3 months

over $1m (annual revenue)


per month

Program Duration: 3 months

For new and existing customers, you are welcome to book single sessions with us for 30-minute or 60-minute.

strategy Package

YouTube Strategy & Channel Playbook

A transformative 3-week program

Learn how to use YouTube to support your business in raising brand awareness, attracting more leads, and closing more sales.

  • Discovery call (1.5 hr)
  • Comprehensive playbook walkthrough (1 hr)
  • Channel audit and quick-win analysis
  • 12 recommended video titles and keywords
  • Unlimited email support for 3 weeks
  • Recordings available for all sessions
Contact us

Tell us about your business

Please include as much info as you can (your success, setbacks and future business goals).
We respond within 24-48 hours. Thank you!