For internal use with agency partners

Video Ads Strategy and Production

Types of ad platforms we create for clients:

  • YouTube video ads (TrueView Ads, Bumper Ads, Pre-Roll Ads)

  • Facebook and Instagram

  • TikTok Ads

  • LinkedIn Ads*

*it depends but LinkedIn ads are generally more expensive to run and appears less effective for small businesses and individuals)

Recommended spend: NOT less than $300/month per platform (Facebook, YouTube, etc.) minimum. Budgets of $500, $1,000 or more are recommended.

Strategy services — $2,000 (video production is separate)

If client wants to give us requirements for video production only, no strategic support, please add 2 hrs of Fei’s time ($600 for 2 hrs to usher the requirement gathering and delivery process) PER campaign, plus video production cost.

Feisworld will deliver a 4-week campaign plan/roadmap for client to review and implement on their own.

An example of effort and breakdown:

  • 1h meeting – intro call to understand the objectives and goals for the campaign, align on “minimum spending”

    • Note that client can stop after this meeting if they don’t want to move forward with hiring us, but still they pay this 1h consultation.

  • 1h meeting – review and align on campaign objectives and strategic approach for video ads

  • Via email — gather assets, audience stats and info (identify any gaps before ad production)

  • Via email — work with agency partner if needed to produce additional assets (talking head, b-roll, etc.)

  • Via email — video editing and production for preparing ads (priced separately, see below)

  • Via email – ad copy effort (priced separately, see below)

  • Client’s responsibility – set up and begin executing ads based on strategy, ad type, copy, videos

  • Weekly review, ad tune-up and optimization for 1 month:

    • Via email (performance reporting) 1 week later

    • Via email (performance reporting) 2 week later — option for 30 mins call if needed

    • Via email (performance reporting) 3 weeks later

    • Via email (performance reporting) 4 weeks later – this is the final review with option for 30 mins call if needed

      Note: client can continue on their own or book more hours with Feisworld — Scheduling links: Schedule 30-min and Schedule 60-min

Video Editing and Production for Ads

When it comes to video edits, it depends on how many ads client will need; if they already have some video assets or we need to start from scratch (stock footage or so); as well as creating variations (copy, videos, sizes, etc.) and testing them out against audiences.

Simplified recommendation:

  • Minimum 4 variations of roughly 30 seconds length.

    • “Simple” videos (client to provide assets) –> $300 for the 4 ads

    • “Advanced” videos (we start from scratch, gather b-roll or create video assets, we need to take more creative control or they are longer up to 60s) –>$600 for the 4 ads

  • If client wants more variations, $50 per extra variation (different call to action, or if they also want them horizontal for YouTube ads, etc.)

Ad Copy: $200 extra per 4 ads (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) including primary copy, CTAs.

Timeline: 6-8 weeks

Strategy, production, campaign-setup (usually between 3-4 weeks) and running for as least 3 weeks


Please email [email protected]