Johnny B.A.N.G. Reilly

Johnny B.A.N.G. Reilly: Born. Alive. Noise. Gone. (#101-102)

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Our Guest Today: Johnny B.A.N.G. Reilly

Based in Holland, Johnny B.A.N.G Reilly is a transient poet, a voiceover artist and a father. 

Johnny%2BBAN%2BReilly | Feisworld

Everyday, he works to find his natural vibrancy and vitality, and support others in finding their own. He’s true to himself and to the people he connects with through his words. 

This episode does contain strong and explicit language. Please plan accordingly if you are around children, at work – a headphone is recommended.

Johnny Bang Reilly – Show Notes

BANG Reilly 2 | Feisworld
BANG Reilly | Feisworld
  • [05:00] How did you started delivering your message? The poetry, the YouTube videos, letters, etc. How does people find you?
  • [08:00] John sharing his views about poetry and how to use words in the right way.
  • [10:00] What have you learned from your kids?
  • [14:00] Can you share your views about food and anatomy education, and also your work about caring for the people in need?
  • [22:00] Your message is often very inclusive and inspiring. Why do you think it resonates with so many people?
  • [24:00] What do you eat and how is your diet?
  • [30:00] Fei and John comparing different kind of jobs, being an entrepreneur/freelancer
  • [52:00] Fei and John commenting on parenting
  • [44:00] After all you’ve been through, do you feel invincible?
  • [54:00] What still makes you cry?
  • [56:00] How is it to be a father of 14 kids?
  • [58:00] What are your thoughts about being a very wise and strong figure for your family and yours?
  • [01:01:00] How would you fix people that say that are unhappy?
  • [01:08:00] Wealthy families usually have kids with issues because they assume that wealth will last forever. Do you feel the same about that?

  • [01:16:00] Fei and John commenting about fighting and martial arts.
  • [01:19:00] Fei and John talking about natural differences due to ethnicity: different bodies, preparations, etc.
  • [01:22:00] What do you think about discrimination and racism?
  • [01:27:00] How much information do you consume and where?

Favorite Quotes

[06:00] It was a culture of recovery and estimulance, and that’s a sick animal… My right is to go to sleep, happy, and to wake up vibrant, and confident that every possibility on exploring what life’s about is mine. I don’t have to pay rent for that, tax for that, none of that. It’s mine.

[12:00] I believe that there’s billions being spent on making sure people are miserable, in order for other people to feel in a contrast to that, to feel special, like if smiling is an exclusivity.

[22:00] I was given this intelligence and this strength, for service, and only when I’m in service I realize my reality. Other than that, I’m just a f** consumer.

[30:00] I don’t have any success, I’m just here. What gives me a buzz, is being surrounded with other people, that are healthy and here too. You can choose to keep people afloat and be surrounded with little boats of people having a great time, or be the only yatch in the desert.

[01:10:00] I hate the models that deform human beings, that’s what I’m in war with. Those behaviours and protocols that seat into our behaviour and we hang on to and call it culture. That ruins the art, the flexibility and the fluidity of human beings. I’m in war with that.


Part 1

Part 2

Word Cloud, Keywords and Insights From Podintelligence

feisworldpodcast 101 johnbangreillypart1 Word Cloud 2022 08 03 8 06 38 am | Feisworld
feisworldpodcast 102johnbangreillypart2 Word Cloud 2022 08 03 8 10 40 am | Feisworld

Media Link:

To learn more about Johnny BANG Reilly, subscribe to his YouTube channel and check out his website.


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