Kim Jimenez

Kim Jimenez: Real Talk on Growing Your Business Through Online Marketing and Social Media (#93-94)

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Our Guest Today: Kim Jimenez

Please welcome Kim Jimenez (@kimannjimenez) to the Feisworld Podcast.

This is a two-part conversation (“course” may be a better description) for Online Marketing, Social Media and Passive Income.

This was an incredible learning opportunity for me and for anyone who is interested in growing their business (of any kind). Kim piqued my interest so much that I had to extend the duration of the interview twice.

If you can’t see the players above, click these links to listen to Part 1 and Part 2.

Who is Kim Jimenez? She is “a social media consultant with a ton of energy and a crazy passion for helping small businesses nurture relationships, gain more leads and attain real results with social media marketing.”

Born and raised a small-town islander (in Puerto Rico), Kim has an overwhelming passion for social media marketing. She LOVES what she does.

Her first business? It was a small startup for moving and relocation. One summer, she turned a simple Facebook ad to thousands of dollars worth of business.

BusinessLoundge | Feisworld

Her business and life today? After the origin stories, first business, Kim and I dove into a nitty gritty of her business. It gets nerdy in Part 2. Kim peaked my interested by sharing exactly how she built her freedom business from generating more than 10,000 emails on her mailing list, to creating these “lead magnets” (i.e. free giveaways, courses, webinars, ebooks). She didn’t short of building an audience but (making sure) to “nurture” them through new learnings, courses, updates that will transform their businesses and their lives.

Media Links:

Learn more about Kim by visiting her website, Facebook and Twitter.

Show Notes (Part 1)

  • [10:00] Where did you grow up? Can you share a bit more about yourself?
  • [12:30] What did you do after graduating?
  • [18:00] Kim talking about their first business success
  • [21:00] Can you share with us what kind of clients you had with in your ‘moving’ business? How many of them generated that revenue?
  • [23:00] It took roughly about 10-12 months for your most recent business to take off, could you tell us about that process?
  • [33:00] What is the concept behind the Business Lounge?

Show Notes (Part 2)

  • [09:00] How did your audience change over the past three years? For example, the number of clients you have, and the type of clients as well.
  • [13:00] How was your approach to attract the right people?
  • [16:00] Kim and Fei contrasting their businesses
  • [23:00] What are the four lead magnets you are currently using, and how is people organically finding you?
  • [27:00] What are some of the intuitive vs counterintuitive learnings you had through this process?
  • [33:00] How many people integrate the core of the Business Lounge?
  • [37:00] Closing reflections
KJ | Feisworld

Favorite Quotes (Part 1)

  • [11:30] My lively personality has everything to do with my roots. Puerto Ricans celebrate EVERYTHING.
  • [36:00] What is my path? How do I figure that out? I think that is completely unique to every single business. You have to figure out your own, [and adapt] your own phases.
  • [39:00] Am I ready? Is this the right time? Do I have the audience that I need to make this transition? Is this something that I’m passionate about and that I want to do?.
  • [40:00] I think you have to get really honest with yourself, and think about: what do I want to accomplish, long term? And, Am I pursuing the work that I want to ultimately pursue?
  • [42:00] No matter where you are, in your own business, laying down a path is a great idea, but also being flexible about it. Knowing that, life is going to happen, there are things that you can’t control.

Favorite Quotes (Part 2)

  • [11:30] Instead of focusing on the numbers, my biggest advice would be: be intentional, but be intentional more importantly attracting the right people.
  • [15:00] Play with it, and experiment and test it.That was our strategy, it was asking people, creating content and promoting that lead magnet within that content.
  • [18:00] It’s about being intentional, solving problems, being helpful and being strategic about leveraging that content to build your own prospect list.
  • [22:00] People are overwhelmed. That’s what I hear most often! So if you could create a solution to that problem […], it just makes life so much easier…
  • [28:00] we have to learn how to think about our businesses from a fundamental, foundational perspective. First: do you have a product or service that is solving a real and tangible problem for your audience, for your ideal customer. Do you have that solution? And second: can you communicate that value, of your program, product or service, in a way that resonates with them?


Part 1

Part 2

Word Cloud, Keywords and Insights From Podintelligence

feisworldpodcast 093 kimjimenezpart1 Word Cloud 2022 08 03 7 46 7 am | Feisworld
feisworldpodcast 094 kimjimenezpart2 Word Cloud 2022 08 03 7 49 20 am | Feisworld

What is PodIntelligence?

PodIntelligence is an AI-driven, plus human-supported service to help podcasters, webinar hosts and filmmakers create high quality micro-content that drives macro impact. PodIntelligence turns any number of long-form audio and video into word clouds, keyword and topic driven MP3 and MP4 clips that can be easily analyzed and shared on multiple platforms. Learn more:

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