September 2019 Newsletter

September 2019 Newsletter

At the end of last month, I decided that I was going to email people on my list once a week, that’s easier said than done. So a month later, I thought I’d let you know what I’ve been up to…

Yesterday I launched a brand new interview episode of Feisworld with Joey Korenman from School of Motion. As some of you know, I’ve been pouring my heart out for a miniseries called How to Freelance. Therefore I wanted to chat with more freelance minded people on how they went from zero to ten, and in Joey’s case, a hundred.

This man used to run a serious ad agency in Boston and worked as a creative director. His career looked great on paper, and he seemed to have been standing on top of a mountain, but “it’s the wrong mountain!” he told me. So Joey packed up his bags and moved his entire family (wife and two kids) to Florida, where he started School of Motion. It was just a single online course 4 years ago right before he was about to run out of money. Today, it’s a multi-million dollar online school and community with thousands of students worldwide. In his personal life, he downsized things he had and even sold one of his two cars, living life with unbelievable freedom, traveling the world with his family while his company is run by his trusted employees during the summer.

Before his summer travel started, I requested his interview with him for Feisworld Podcast episode 219.

Speaking of episode #219, our 5th Anniversary for Feisworld Podcast is coming up on October 20th. Not gonna lie, this has been an incredible journey to say the least. Nope, I don’t make millions like Joey but life has not been the same when I decided to connect with 150+ human beings with skills and knowledge I don’t have.

So I thought to myself, why not try something new this year (and it’s September already, OMG!)

After a triweekly status call I had with my producer German, we both decided that it’s time for me to give YouTube a try. I’ve been avoiding sharing content on YouTube for as long as I’ve had the podcast. Who wants to see a 36-year old on YouTube? Also, is YouTube considered passe in 2019?

We said “Let’s do this!”, and we did. German has been editing nonstop, and I’m batch recording new content video every single week. I learned to script, present myself on camera and get a bit more comfortable, create topics that will resonate with people. I get really excited just thinking about what I’m learning each and every day.

Here’s to my first vlog video on YouTube – looking quite exhausted and ecstatic at the same time while traveling in Florida for Podcast Movement. My mom would not approve this video given how I looked. Sorry ma!

You may be wondering what we created the channel for.

The Feisworld YouTube channel will focus on tips and tools for independent artists to create their lifestyle business. I’ll be sharing tutorials on the software, tools, websites I use to run my own business from anywhere in the world, tips on scaling your business with passive income. I’m a strong believer that you can make a living without a massive social media following.

There are human side of things I want to address as well, such as what’s it’s like to be an immigrant entrepreneur, the struggles and hurdles we share, and how we can better help and support one another.

Phew… that’s the rundown of September 2019.

Please let me know your stories, updates! I know some of you guys on this list are family and friends too, thank you for your support. I wish there’s an easier way to stay in touch with everyone more easily, but email seems to be my best bet right now.

It takes me about 30 mins or so to write this while enjoying my Saturday breakfast (overnight oatmeal plus a cup of traditional Chinese tea).

Much love from Feisworld HQ, until next time.


💰YouTube Brand Deals & Sponsorships How-To Guide

YouTube Brand Deals & Sponsorships How-To Guide

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