Review V3: New Features, ChatGPT and 50% Off (2023)

AdCreative just announced their latest version: v3. The new version includes a myriad of new powerful features including a new user interface, a 500 times better and 125 times faster AI model, Creator Insights Pro, and it uses the power of ChatGPT to generate better creative text. In their words, it’s a game changer.

Out of more than 100,000 software products on G2, AdCreative is officially the 3rd fastest growing product in the world.

Ongoing offer (72H)

Use the code 50%COMEBACK in your settings page to get 50% off any AdCreative package.

Adcreative.AI V3: New Features

1. New User Interface

It follows all the coding best practices in speed and responsiveness which means regardless on what device you are using with, you will see that it is extremely fast, very responsive and, well, quite stunning ðŸ™‚ v3 New User Interface (2023)

2. New Display Sizes v3 features a new model that is 500x more trained than the previous version. The result is that the new model is also125x faster than the previous version. The new AI can generate entirely new and more optimized creatives. v3 New AI model

3. Creative Insights Pro (Beta)

Creative Insights Pro will give you a visibility that you never had before.

  1. Compare your average CTR with others in your niche.
  2. See which creative formats/sizes perform the best for your brand.
  3. See how often you need to add new creatives to avoid ad fatigue.
  4. See which color combinations bring the best results.
  5. See what labels and texts on images bring you the best results.

Over 20.000 brands already signed up to be the beta testers. Creative Insights Pro is available for Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads and Pinterest Ads.

AdCreative v3 Creator Insights Pro

4. New Advanced Text Generator

As a OpenAI supported company, AdCreative trained ChatGPT with our own battle-tested ad texts and worldwide known copy-writing frameworks. This way, alongside conversion-focused ad creatives, you can also have conversion-focused ad texts within
At no extra cost. Included in every package. v3 Text Generator with ChatGPT

5. Dark Mode users spend 4x more time on the platform compared to last year. They wanted to offer a better user interface including Dark Mode too. Here’s a preview: v3 Dark Mode
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