ChatGPT for Podcasters

ChatGPT for Podcasters: Grow Your Show With Better Content (2023)

ChatGPT for Podcasters? With all the noise about ChatGPT, there are hundreds of use cases popping up every day, but if you are a podcaster, have you thought of leveraging ChatGPT to help with your podcast production? There are many areas where the tool can help you right now, and with the introduction of v4 in 2023, I’m sure we’ll see more and more.

In this post, we cover 5 fundamental things that ChatGPT can help podcasters with.

How to Use Chatgpt for Podcasters

1. Brainstorming Topics

As an AI language model, ChatGPT can generate topic ideas for podcast episodes based on keywords or themes. Podcasters can input their desired topics or areas of interest, and ChatGPT can provide a list of potential ideas for episodes.

2. Planning Questions

Are you stuck with your interview questions? Maybe you have one or two, but what about the rest? Remember that ChatGPT knows lots of useful public facts that you can leverage to build your question list (or at least get suggestions).

Let’s look at some examples:

I interviewed Krista Tippet in the Feisworld Podcast. I asked ChatGPT to give me 5 questions for her during a podcast interview:

  1. Your podcast, “On Being,” explores questions of meaning, morality, and spirituality. Can you tell us about a particularly memorable interview you conducted and why it stands out for you?
  2. Your work often touches on the theme of connection and belonging. How do you think the pandemic has impacted our sense of connection, and what role do you see spiritual practices playing in helping us navigate these challenging times?
  3. You have written extensively about the importance of dialogue and civil discourse, particularly in a time of political polarization. What strategies do you recommend for people to engage in more productive conversations, particularly with those who hold different viewpoints?
  4. “On Being” has been praised for its thoughtful, nuanced approach to religion and spirituality. How do you balance the desire to explore these topics in depth while still remaining accessible to a broad audience?
  5. Your work has taken you around the world and exposed you to a variety of cultural traditions and practices. What have been some of the most surprising or unexpected insights you have gained through your travels, and how have they influenced your work?

I asked ChatGPT to build a question list for an interview with Steve Wozniak.

  1. Can you tell us about your early days at Apple, and what motivated you to co-found the company with Steve Jobs?
  2. What were some of the biggest technical challenges you faced when developing the first Apple computer, and how did you overcome them?
  3. What do you think sets Apple apart from other technology companies, and what role do you think it has played in shaping the industry?
  4. How do you feel about the current state of the technology industry, and where do you see it heading in the future?
  5. You are known for your passion for education and philanthropy. Can you tell us about some of the causes you support, and why they are important to you?
  6. What are your thoughts on the current state of privacy and security in the technology industry, and what steps can companies take to better protect user data?
  7. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology, and what areas are you most excited about currently?
  8. You have been involved in many technology startups and ventures throughout your career. Can you tell us about one of your most challenging experiences, and what you learned from it?
  9. As someone who has achieved so much success in the tech industry, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators?
  10. What are your current projects and interests, and what can we expect to see from you in the near future?

Now, maybe your guest is not known by ChatGPT, or is not as public. You can still give context to your question to get suggestions.

Fei: Write 5 interview questions for a podcast episode, for someone who has been a CEO of a 2000 employee logistics company, who quit his job and spent 1 year in a retreat in Nepal, India and Bali


  1. You spent a year in retreat in Nepal, India, and Bali after leaving your role as CEO of a 2000 employee logistics company. Can you tell us about the decision to take this sabbatical, and what you hoped to gain from this experience?
  2. Many people who leave high-pressure jobs struggle to adjust to a slower pace of life. What were some of the challenges you faced during your year in retreat, and how did you adapt to this new way of living?
  3. Your experience in retreat took you to three different countries with distinct cultural and spiritual traditions. Can you tell us about some of the common themes or insights you gained across these diverse contexts?
  4. Many people may be curious about what they can learn from taking a similar journey to yours. What advice do you have for those considering a sabbatical or retreat, and what benefits do you believe it can offer?
  5. After your year in retreat, you returned to the business world, but with a new perspective. Can you tell us about how this experience has influenced your leadership style and approach to work, and what you hope to achieve moving forward?

Quite powerful, isn’t it?

ChatGPT for Podcasters: Get questions suggestions (2023)
ChatGPT for Podcasters: Get questions suggestions

3. Writing Scripts

ChatGPT can also help podcasters write episode scripts or outlines. By inputting a general topic or theme, ChatGPT can generate sample text or bullet points to help guide the podcast host in developing their episode.

We interviewed Chris Voss many times on the Feisworld Podcast, so I asked ChatGPT to write a potential script for one of our episodes.

Fei: Write a script for a podcast episode with Chris Voss

[Intro Music]

Host: Hello and welcome to today’s episode of our podcast. Today we have a very special guest, Chris Voss. Chris is a former FBI hostage negotiator and the author of the best-selling book “Never Split the Difference”. Chris, welcome to the show.

Chris Voss: Thanks for having me. It’s great to be here.

Host: Chris, your book “Never Split the Difference” is a must-read for anyone interested in negotiation. Can you tell us a little bit about your approach to negotiation and how it differs from traditional negotiation strategies?

Chris Voss: Sure, my approach to negotiation is based on the idea of empathetic listening and understanding the other person’s perspective. It’s about really trying to see the situation through their eyes and using that understanding to create a mutually beneficial outcome. I believe that traditional negotiation strategies focus too much on assertiveness and trying to “win” the negotiation, which can often lead to a suboptimal outcome for both parties.

Host: That’s really interesting. Can you give us an example of a time when you used your approach to negotiation to achieve a positive outcome?

Chris Voss: Sure, one example that comes to mind is when I was negotiating with a terrorist who had taken a group of hostages. The terrorist was demanding a large sum of money and safe passage out of the country. Instead of just trying to assert my authority and force a resolution, I focused on trying to understand what the terrorist really wanted and why he was holding the hostages. Through empathetic listening and creative problem-solving, we were able to come up with a solution that allowed the hostages to be released and the terrorist to surrender peacefully.

4. Create Show Notes

ChatGPT can help podcasters generate show notes for each episode. Show notes are typically used to summarize the episode’s content, provide links to related resources, and highlight any key takeaways.


  1. I recorded this podcast episode from Eric Langlois
  2. Used Descript for an automatic transcript
  3. Input the output from Descript into ChatGPT
  4. Asked ChatGPT to produce show notes

5. Find Potential Guests

Since ChatGPT knows about too many things, simply ask for guest suggestions on a given topic or theme.

Example 1: I asked ChatGPT to suggest guests for a Feisworld podcast episode on sustainable small businesses and YouTubers?

There are many great guests who could speak to sustainable small businesses and YouTube channels. Here are a few options:

  1. Shelbizleee – Shelby, also known as Shelbizleee on YouTube, is a sustainable fashion YouTuber who shares tips on how to live a more sustainable lifestyle. She could offer insights into how to build a sustainable business and how to incorporate sustainability into YouTube content.
  2. Timo Rissanen – Timo Rissanen is a fashion designer and author who focuses on sustainable fashion. He could speak to the challenges of creating sustainable businesses in the fashion industry, as well as how to communicate the importance of sustainability to a broader audience.
  3. The Wally Shop – The Wally Shop is a zero-waste grocery delivery service based in Brooklyn, New York. The founder, Tamara Lim, could speak to the challenges and rewards of starting and running a sustainable business, as well as how to build a following on YouTube.
  4. Sustainably Vegan – Immy Lucas, also known as Sustainably Vegan on YouTube, shares tips and advice on living a sustainable lifestyle. She could offer insights into how to build a sustainable business and how to create YouTube content that promotes sustainability.
  5. Max La Manna – Max La Manna is a sustainable chef and author who focuses on zero-waste cooking. He could speak to the challenges of running a sustainable small business and how to build a YouTube channel that promotes sustainability in the food industry.

Example 2: I asked ChatGPT to suggests circus guests from Boston

Here are some great circus guests from Boston that you might consider for a podcast episode:

  1. The Boston Circus Guild – The Boston Circus Guild is a group of professional performers who specialize in a wide variety of circus acts, including aerial arts, fire dancing, stilt walking, juggling, and more. Members of the guild could speak to their experiences performing in the circus, as well as the challenges and rewards of running a circus company.
  2. Laura E. Corsiglia – Laura E. Corsiglia is the founder and artistic director of Circus Up!, a Boston-based nonprofit organization that uses circus arts to empower and inspire young people. Corsiglia could speak to the benefits of using circus arts for youth development and how to build a successful nonprofit organization.
  3. Joel Jeske – Joel Jeske is a clown and comedian who has performed with Cirque du Soleil and the Big Apple Circus, among other organizations. He could speak to the art of clowning and comedy in the circus, as well as the challenges of creating a successful career as a circus performer.
  4. The Flying Wallendas – The Flying Wallendas are a famous family of circus performers known for their high-wire acts and daring stunts. Several members of the family, including Nik Wallenda and Lijana Wallenda, are based in the Boston area and could speak to their experiences performing in the circus and carrying on their family’s legacy.
  5. The Boston Circus Center – The Boston Circus Center is a training facility and performance space that offers classes in a variety of circus arts. Founders Jay and Susan Tousey could speak to the process of building a successful circus school and training the next generation of circus performers.

6. Improve Transcripts

Although there are automatic podcast transcription tools available, you can still ask ChatGPT to improve the accessibility and SEO of the output from other tools to get a more solid transcription.

Bonus: Ask Chatgpt What It Knows About Your Podcast

One way to improve your podcast is to learn what AI-models and tools have learned about it. It’s like asking a kid what they know about what their parents do!

By asking ChatGPT for a summary of your podcast, you get the opportunity to detect gaps and potential improvements.

Q: What is the Feisworld Podcast about?

The Feisworld Podcast is an interview-style podcast hosted by Fei Wu, an entrepreneur, filmmaker, and adventurer. The podcast features conversations with a diverse range of guests, including artists, entrepreneurs, activists, and other individuals who are following their passions and making a positive impact on the world.

The podcast covers a wide range of topics, from entrepreneurship and creativity to personal growth and social activism. Guests share insights into their personal journeys, including the challenges they have faced and the lessons they have learned along the way.

Some notable guests on the Feisworld Podcast include Seth Godin, James Altucher, Krista Tippet, Dorie Clark, and Chris Voss.

The Feisworld Podcast is known for its engaging and insightful conversations, as well as its focus on highlighting the stories and perspectives of individuals who are making a positive impact in the world.

Capsho: AI Copywriter for Podcasters (Chatgpt Alternative)

ChatGPT can go a long way for podcasters, but there are alternative tools that are more tailored to podcast production, like Capsho.

Capsho is an AI-powered podcast copywriter that takes the headache out of writing episode titles, descriptions, show notes, blog posts, social media captions & promo emails.

Capsho: AI Copywriter for Podcasters
Capsho: AI copywriter for podcasters

Chatgpt for Podcasters: Conclusion

We are at the beginning of the adoption of this technology, which is also in its infancy. There are plenty of opportunities for improvement and future use cases to explore. Still, it’s impressive what you can already do today with ChatGPT.

ChatGPT for Podcasters is a thing. Once you know how to take advantage of it, you can unleash unlimited possibilities to simplify your workflow and boost your creativity. This post only covers some suggestions on how to leverage the tool to your advantage, but the world is yours to explore!

I wanted to share my experience as a podcaster with 10+ years of experience and over 400 episodes. I’ve seen many tools come out throughout the years, but nothing compares to the power of AI and what that’s enabling.

Want a more powerful AI tool for your podcast? Try PodIntelligence

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