Dr. Claudia Consolati

Dr. Claudia Consolati: How Can Women and Immigrant Entrepreneurs Be Heard and Stand Out (#253)

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Our Guest Today: Dr. Claudia Consolati

Dr. Claudia Consolati helps women entrepreneurs overcome their fear of being seen and heard so that they can grow their business and income. Her unique approach blending neuroscience, attachment theory, and trauma healing supports women in sharing their voices with the world whether they’re just starting out or already hitting 6 figures or more. A shy girl at heart, Claudia dreams of a world where women are fully self-expressed and have the impact that they’re meant to have.

  • Create your big vision (what’s too big vs. too small)
  • The culture of self-promotion.
  • Writing vs. copywriting
  • Authenticity in the marketplace (too hyped in so many messages)
  • Services vs. thought-leader model (many don’t know what they are)
  • Creative unifier (when we feel like what we create aren’t cohesive, not right away – the importance of patience)
  • The heroine journey
  • Immigrant women (and men), double identity


Dr. Claudia Consolati How can women and immigrant entrepreneurs be heard and stand out in 2020.mp3 – powered by Happy Scribe

Feisworld podcast helps independent creators live their creative and financial freedom. I’m your host, Fei Wu, and I’ll be taking you through a series of interviews with creators from around the world who are living life on their own terms. Each episode is packed with tactics, nuggets you can implement origin stories to make listening productive and enjoyable. We’re not only focused on the more aspirational stories, but relatable ones as well. We also have none interview based miniseries releasing throughout the year to help Deep dove into topics such as freelancing, marketing, even indie filmmaking that will benefit creators like you.

Show notes, links and ways to connect with the guests are available on Feisworld.com. Now onto the show. Hi there, this is Fei Wu and welcome to another episode of Face World, so I apologize in advance. I know it’s been two weeks since I published an episode. I always feel so guilty. Perhaps I’ve been saying this a lot. And if you’re a content creator, I hope that resonates with you. People always say consistency is very important, but when life happens, which it did for me because most recently I purchased a home.

So this was a first home for me. I am a first time homebuyer. It’s a thing in the US and it just so liberating to be able to do that. And I definitely want to give you guys some updates on what that journey has been like. And this is more of an exclusive update that I’m sharing here on my podcast because I love my listeners and this isn’t something that I’m always comfortable sharing on social media. It sounds very strange because it seems on social media, I go live all the time.

I’m very raw, very minimum when it comes to my production, which means, you know, my producer, Herman, is super talented, but he and I decided that there is going to be content where we release on a more raw format. We don’t want to overproduce certain segments, such as the way we go live. And then what happens is once we go live with these folks you’re about to hear Will today in particular, you’re going to learn from Dr.

Claudia Consolatory. Before we get there, I really want to use this time and take my time to share some updates from Feisworld. Feisworld Headquarter right here in Boston, Massachusetts. And if you don’t want to actually hear these updates, by the way, what you can do is simply fast-forward five, about five, ten minutes in and you’ll be able to dove right into the episode. So it’s completely up to you. So if you’re new, by the way, we have a lot of new listeners every single week.

We also have returning listeners. But, you know, for the first few years of my podcasting journey, I forgot to acknowledge and address all the new listeners until I look at my analytics. It’s like, boom, you know, 80 percent, 70 percent of the people are brand new listeners. So if I didn’t acknowledge you or in your journey of joining me here on Feisworld, I really want to apologize. And I have I believe that I have and I’m on a journey of transforming my own business because I’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way.

And, you know, you never really hear about a lot of these things that goes on behind the scenes of an entrepreneur of any kind, whether you’re content creator, were general creative entrepreneur of your fitness and dance instructor. You don’t really hear the struggles. And I actually always enjoy listening to them for some reason. You know, I try to find them on YouTube. I try to read those articles. But more often than not, I have those conversations offline with these entrepreneurs.

It’s just so exciting. What I said was promised before we dove into my conversation with Dr. Claudia Consultatively is that I recently purchased a home. In fact, by the time you’re listening to this, I am still probably in the process. My move in isn’t going to be until September. And I have some special guests coming over who is actually editing those right now. I am just so excited to be hosting my producer, Herman. You know, really, he’s going to be the first visitor to this new home.

And we are thrilled. And we meaning me and my partner Adam, my mom XiangLi, who’s an artist, I don’t know how to even describe it. If you’re listening to this and you have purchased a home in the past, I don’t know what the process was like for you. Maybe it was very liberating. Maybe part of that it was painful. But here was my journey and I learned so much, I think of myself for working as a ten, a digital marketer for the past decade, more than a decade.

I know how much I’ve learned, not just every year, but every month, every every day even. And I could not believe how much knowledge and information that went into purchasing a home. What we saw on a Redfin or Zillow, that’s only one picture. The pictures usually and almost always look pretty awesome until you get to the home, the homes themselves will look very different. And there’s another trick is we always try to cheat a little bit by looking at Google map, not just a map, but satellite pictures.

And you realize, like, how different they look in real life and you go visit the homes. I am someone who easily fall in love with older homes. I live in Boston, Massachusetts, so particularly around the northeast of United States. And there are a lot of Victorian homes, a lot of very, very old homes, by the way, they put that into context, homes that Vanlev where they were built in the nineties. Seventeen hundred eighteen hundred.

I know it’s hard to believe that they’re still standing, but as a you know, as a first time homebuyer, I definitely felt very. Excited fell in love fairly easily, on one hand, I had to look at the price tag, yes, but on the other I really didn’t know how much work or potential work that could go into building a home and or repairing the home. So to follow the advice of my dear friend George and also my partner Adam, I started to realize and also forgot to mention my my agent Vonne, who’s been a friend for for many, many years, to learn from all three of them.

It was so crazy. I was so excited because I ended up pulling on my phone and just taping the things that they talked about in particular. George is a dual engineer, so he really understood the foundation where to identify the cracks, whether they matter or not. Adam has been a long time home owner since ninety five. And then my friend Vonne, who is the agent, taught me so much every trip in terms of what to look for.

It takes minutes. It takes seconds for you to fall in love with a home. But once you understand what goes into it, then you can also fall out of love. So we ended up bidding on four homes and the fourth one was the winner. At some point. I got to say the emotional roller coaster was astonishing to me. I used to joke around the by calling that the house or the home I fell in love with is called my my real boyfriend.

But I always needed some backup boyfriend in case their relationship doesn’t work out well. I mean, it’s not even a joke because especially when you don’t have millions of dollars. Right. Money is an object. Then you could probably pick homes more easily. You can even buy a couple of homes. Who knows? But when, you know, all of us have a budget to work with and you want to get the best option, the most out of that budget, then you are left with fewer options.

You might in most people’s cases, you have to move away from the city or the places that you grew up with, because the real estate may be too expensive for you now as an adult ready to purchase a home. Maybe you have children. I don’t have kids. But if you have children, you know, you may need three to four bedrooms so everybody can flow, I don’t know, float around in the house more comfortably. Maybe you want to host guests.

That’s one of the things I would like to do. I have plans to have guests who stay with me for a long period of time. And I want a big home. And most importantly, I’m building this home for my mom. When I say building, a lot of my friends say, really? Are you going to start the house from scratch? No, I really always, always wanted to build this home for my mom. This has been just so special because my mom turned sixty eight this year because of the pandemic.

She’s been living with us since December two thousand and nineteen. And for the past three to five years we have been talking about oh that. Just wait for a few more years to build a home. And I knew deep down what happens is that it’s not easy for my mom to be a thousand miles away from me living in Beijing, even though we do have a beautiful home there. And, you know, I grew up there. My mom spent her whole life there for the most part, but it was always so hard.

And my mom is diabetic and has some medical issues. So when she’s alone in the house, because my dad passed away, she’s often just so alone. And she’s friends with younger people in their thirties and forties, families and friends. But they’re also busy that she’s not going to be the primary focus for anybody. The the idea that I can be close to her, even though this new home is forty five minute drive from the current home I’m living in, but it’s forty minutes as opposed to twenty four hours and days and weeks to plan for a visit and only be able to stay for a certain period of time.

I hope you can tell from my voice I am over the moon and I’m watching me on my YouTube channel. I cannot wait to go to different corners of this beautiful home. It is bigger because it is forty five minutes away from this very expensive neighborhood I’m currently living in and that is going to be epic. I’m able to take so many videos, give you guys so many different views. So, you know, that is if you are into video content.

But if you want to stick around on the podcast, I totally understand. So that is my heartfelt update for sure. And so let’s dove into today’s episode with Dr. Claudia Consolatory. And the subject that we covered is called How Can Women and Immigrant Entrepreneurs Be Heard and Stand Out? So Dr. Kozloduy is a professor currently living in Philadelphia, and she’s also an entrepreneur. She helps women in particular when women of color, women who have struggled with women who had traumatic upbringing and experiences, who are struggling to really put themselves first.

And so she is here to help, in particular women entrepreneurs overcome their fear of being seen or heard and so that they can grow their business and income. Her unique approach blending interesting enough neuroscience, attachment theory and trauma healing, which supports women in sharing their voices to the world. So, Claudia, she’s originally from Italy, like me, you know, came to school in the US and stayed. And just so liberating, I really, really hope you enjoy this conversation.

Again, I’m here to support you, to listen to your story. And you can find me pretty much anywhere on social media, on her face world. That, again, is I asked all our elders, thank you so much for listening. And I cannot wait to see you at the end of the episode and next week as well. Much love. Hey, everybody, this is Fei Wu and I am here with my guest today. This is our pandemic’s stay at home chat with Dr.

Claudia Consolatory from who’s currently based in Philly. Welcome. Welcome, Claudia.

Thank you so much for having me here.

I am so thrilled that during this downtime, somehow I had the opportunity to connect with so many people. And Robert Zylon introduced you to me and to be honest, introduce me to a few people. And I found myself getting the call with you just last week. And we’re chatting away. We booked half an hour. We ended up talking for an hour and 20 minutes on a number of things. But for those of you who have not met cloudy Dr.

Kozloduy before, you can call Claudia, I’m sure before today. I want to just tell you a bit more about her background. She’s an assistant professor and her topic and her class is related to film, gender, sexuality. And the Klaudia also has her own business, which is to help women entrepreneurs overcome their fear of being seen or heard so that they can grow their business and their income. And that’s going to be the core of our discussion.

And Claudia is so kind to let me add some another category of people to this, which, as I said, women and immigrant entrepreneurs like myself, like herself, we didn’t come from the same origin. I’m originally coming from China and Claudia is born and raised in Italy and came here. So it just incredible. Thank you for being here. Thank you for allowing me to introduce you.

Oh, you’re so welcome. I, I love the opportunity to chat with you and I chat. Last week was so amazing and so I’m very excited today.

Yeah. So thank you Claudia. The you know, as soon as we we got hung up on those call and both of us start just inevitably talking about the same topic, it’s like there’s something going on here, which is we both run our own business. And I say that right now, the core of my business, for example, is to help executives really see sweet and senior executives to transition into entrepreneurship. I also work with people who come from that journey who have about one to three years of experience running their own business.

And so I helped them create their body of work, their online courses, and create more passive incomes. You, on the other hand, helping women do the same thing. But recently you had a discovery. I want you to kind of maybe share with my audience to talk about what you have learned about your own entrepreneurial journey.

Yes, it has been very interesting. And I always like to say that entrepreneurship is the great asset development, self growth opportunity, and that if you feel called to entrepreneurship, it means that something inside of you is asking you to grow. And I’ve grown so much. I started my business in twenty sixteen when I had finished grad school getting my Ph.D. for a couple of years and I was like looking for academic jobs and I had found my first full time academic job and.

I didn’t feel like the buzz that you’re supposed to feel when you find your first job, and I was like, OK, what is it? Is it is there something that I’m meant to do? So that’s when I started my business. And at the beginning, it was like, OK, I have learned leadership skills being trained as a professor. I can teach other women to be leaders and specifically to to speak up. So I became a public speaking coach of.

And I did that for a couple of years, and I go through it to be fairly successful as a business, but something inside of me wasn’t aligning. It was like I was taking all these business courses that were conveying good information. And it was like that’s how I was able to grow my business and learn the rules. But something wasn’t fully aligned. And I had a really hard time combining my identity as an intellectual, an academic and a professor and my identity providing the service.

And still, I shut my business down and I went with within. I was like, there’s got to be another way is there’s something I’m missing. And what I realize that is that I had chosen the wrong business model for me. I was just limiting myself to being a service provider in the specifics, like teaching skills around public speaking or writing a talk versus embodying my brand and all of that I am and all the ideas that I have creating content around that and then creating coaching packages and programs around that.

So the way I expand, though, and I know we agree on this, it’s like I had to switch from a service provider, business model to a leader business model. And that’s where I’m at right now.

And it’s it’s interesting you mention that, because as an as an immigrant and I don’t know how you feel about this, like sometimes we’re trying to fit in. And I definitely wondered about this since twenty sixteen. We started our business at the exact same time, but we found out last week and you know, I sometime at the very beginning as a nobody probably want to hear about my origin story. I want to hear about my immigrant journey, because the majority of the people that I was, you know, presented in my life as specifically working in digital marketing consulting, everybody is just American, right.

Like they were generally they’ve been living in this country for generations and people rarely talk about their heritage. I love America like this little pinky is you know, I’m German. There’s much German, as much Italian. And so I thought maybe I need to tailor my business, set up a message to a just broad audience. And and all of a sudden, very quickly into starting my business, I realized that it is my origin story. It is about who I am that’s really powerful.

Like, what are your thoughts on that?

I’m so glad I can talk about this. Yes. When I moved to the States, I was like, my number one goal is to become American as American as I can be. And I hated my accent. I was like, I have a funny story that like, you know, maybe that’s fine. But I learned what I like to say is that I learned English indiv bias because when I moved to Philly, I was just like in my early twenties, I was in school, but I was like not in school mentally.

And I was like, I just want to hang out. And I was like always studying in Italy. So like when I moved here, I cut my hair short and I was like, I’m going to party. Even though I was in school, I was finishing my undergrad before I started my PhD. And so that’s what I did. I found awesome American roommates who were new to the city. So we just hung out. And that’s how I learned English.

I knew the grammar, but like, I really became integrated by hanging out and having fun. And I was like, I am so American because I go to Dove. Right? And then I like I got my period from an Ivy League school. So, like, my English got polished up and it became a lot more sophisticated, but that’s how I became fluent. And so, yes, at the beginning I was like, I need to fit in.

I need to pass for America. And then a little by little, I discover that, no, my heritage is so important. And speaking of my voice, it gives me a unique perspective, which I’m sure it’s true for you to go and then something that it gives me and I feel people resonate with. They started resonating with it once they owned it. It gives me depth.

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. You know, the I came here when I was 17 and that was money. That was twenty years ago. Exactly. And it was just the desire. Like you said, I, I wanted to fit in. I played ice hockey because I just absolutely loved the sport, not because I wanted to fit in. But it just there’s there’s that you mentioned last time. There’s a double identity that is so hard because I was reflecting upon those four people were watching this.

We had a very different journey. We’re similar in age. We had a very different journey than how twenty year olds, 18 year olds are entering into the country. It’s ironic to say that during the pandemic. But, you know, if there were to be educated in the US today from other countries, they have there we had what’s infinite data. They can be in touch with their parents. We didn’t I had phone cards. I did not have a cell phone.

I remember walking around in the middle of Maine and said, if I get eaten by a bear, nobody will ever even find out about this. You know, it was just challenging about one on one hand, the. That does American culture, that that looked and felt different than what I saw and learned on TV, and there is a traditional expectation like how did you deal with that double identity? Like, did you stay in touch with your family and friends back in Italy?

Or how did you have your own breakthrough?

Yes, absolutely. I was in touch by, like the first few years. I was like, I just want to integrate in the culture here. And it’s only recently that I was like, no, actually, there’s this huge other side of me and most of my friends are American. So often I’ll forget that I’m an expat, but I’m like, there’s this huge other side of me and maybe it’s time to really reconsider my heritage. I’m always in touch with friends and family in Italy still where we’re very close.

It’s so much easier now, but. I think we have this unique perspective that speaking in business and branding terms, we can integrate brands to help the people that feel called to work with us. I know last time we talked about self promotion and the countries that we come from, that is not a thing.

You not happened in most most parts of the world. So promotions, not a thing like extraverted, very visible branding process that’s very popular in the US. And first of all, if you’re an introvert, you might not fit into that. That might not resonate with you. But then if you come from a different country, you know that thing, promoting yourself and your services and talking about that is seen as selfish, just like self-congratulatory. It’s not a thing.

So there are specific blocks that when I work with women from different backgrounds, they have to overcome because of their cultural heritage.

So I want to kind of dove in there a bit because I think definitely I think as a result of myself being an immigrant and my audience on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, they’re not just Chinese or Asian, but also today I have a lot of friends who are Hispanic, from South America, from Asia, from Africa. And how do you approach someone who’s ready to work with you? And we will define that a little bit better, too. But if somebody signs up for your service and who is very well aware that she is blocked and how do you approach that?

How do you initiate that conversation?

So I’ll usually follow if she’s aware that she’s Blätter, then she’s ready to work with me and do the work of undoing those blocks, if she’s not aware yet, she should consume my content first because that is educational in that direction. But then the next step is having one on one support. So the blocks, the whole foundation of my business, and that’s how I switch from like service provider, just offering like three tips to present on stage and that kind of stuff.

It just like there’s nothing wrong with that type of content. It just wasn’t me. So my whole thought leadership that is really the foundation of my business is that women have very specific blocks to finding their voice and sharing their voices with the world. And I focus specifically on women entrepreneurs because I am one and I know they have to create a lot of content. And in many, many times they are the face of the business. So they’ll have to post selfies or like go live on Instagram or YouTube or Facebook.

There’s a lot of visibility, which, again, I think it’s your soul calling you to heal what you need to heal so that you can be you can kind of like show the path for the transformation. So these blocks have come from a family programing with many kids are raised with the idea that they have to be seen and not heard. This is especially true for girls. And what happens is that we either collapse our boys or we explode it.

The collapse is like you internalize it and you’re like, my voice doesn’t matter. I’m just going to, like, stay in my room and read, which is what happened to me. Or if you had explosive type, you’re like you’re the one who’s considered too much. Good to see you too loud. And then maybe you act out as a self sabotaging behavior in life and you cannot follow through.

It’s so true. I have noticed that that behavior in teenage girls like when I go to the gym, I notice two things. Either when I talk to young women, either I cannot hear them because they’re so quiet or they scream so much when they get together. I’m like, I’m sorry, but you need a lawyer voice or shut up like you would like. Guilty as I feel. I feel like there’s such a you see that spectrum so early, early on in our lives, so early.

And what happens because women in our culture. So there’s family and then there’s culture and in culture, we’re kind of stuck between these two paradigms that don’t serve us. We’re either not enough or we are too much and we’re either voiceless or we don’t have a self kind of or we’re kind of like the strong independent woman. But that’s also what I think it is, is a trauma response that makes you frozen. It’s kind of like that entitled like my voice matters.

And once you know that your voice matters, you’re so grounded that you don’t need to be stuck and frozen and like Usher as like the strong independent. Yeah.

Yeah, interesting. You know, I remember I worked with a psychologist when I was twenty six after my dad passed away, and it was such a huge step because I didn’t even tell my mom or my family for a long time in China because they did see it as a weakness. And honestly, the only reason I went is because my company at the time was paying for the first six sessions and I found I was like twenty dollars after health insurance was like, how bad could it be?

Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to afford it. Simply put, which I think Will was a different topic. But I find a lot of immigrants and women in general living under such pressure with our release because they don’t understand help is is there or they simply can’t afford it. Right. One thing related to what you just said is my my psychologist figure out things just like you said, my own childhood trauma. And she said, say you’re twenty six, you’re good, you got a full time job, you’re healthy.

You can put the armor’s down like my armor’s dollar. You can actually let you can let go sometime. You can go out and have fun. You don’t have to like wow that was so liberating like that. That’s an option. I didn’t know that.

Sometimes it doesn’t feel if we have internalized a sense of frozen this or like that, we have to be guarded all the time. Even if we I grew up in a very privileged liberal family. So like I was like pushed to be independent, to have a career, to really make it. So even in the best case scenario, sometimes it doesn’t feel safe to let people down and sometimes it’s not safe. If we work in corporate or in male dominated environments like those environments are not designed for women, you succeed.

So we have to be extra tough. Yeah, yeah. So like the core of my work is developing the starting point. Deafen is developing the inner safety, which really means healing your nervous system so that you can share your voice with the world. Whatever other people say at that point, it doesn’t feel safe with. You know, you always have your back. It’s kind of like they would be like, you know, I’m not officially a therapist, you know, you have your back and so you can put content out there.

Yeah. I mean, I think I mentioned those before, but I definitely remember in my 20s when I worked in corporate, I felt like people were super close with one another. They all love going to the same diverse, called back, doing the same things, going through the same phases of life. Everybody was having, you know, in committed relationships in their late 20s, getting married, having children immediately in their early thirties. I felt like as an immigrant, and especially if you choose to be an entrepreneur, your timeline is completely off because the moment you become an entrepreneur, you notice that success and how you gain your voice just doesn’t happen overnight.

It doesn’t happen necessarily happen in six months or even a year. And you give up a lot of things. And even I dare to say this, like I told my mom as she found out more recently, now in my 30s, I’m like, mom, it’s hard to you know, you know, not everybody will consider dating Asian people. I mean, I don’t say this with any like I have a lot of friends in every ethnicity. But you are the ones out, right?

Like when it comes to dating, doesn’t quite work the same way as if you are American and it’s not automatic. Right. You draw. It’s like like we are a niche audience.

So she’s like, no, like I absolutely I wonder I always like I’m healed enough then that I can see all the negative stuff and see the possibility though, and I can live in that space of possibility when it’s like we as immigrant women are just like immigrants in general, like we have this unique opportunity to see the truth of what is going on and to speak that truth. You mentioned there’s so many rules in dating in America that I’m like it’s exhausting and it’s designed in a way that doesn’t promote authentic voices, like how women have to show up and dating and probably have men to like.

It’s it doesn’t promote us sharing authentic voice. It’s not safe for us to share.

Authentic voice was an example. I’m always curious sorry as I hear this all the time from how Chinese women are interpreting or understanding the dating relationship drama that process in the US. How does a Italian person see it if being different than what’s happening in Italy or Europe? Like, what’s the what’s the difference?

Yeah, so a full disclaimer. I didn’t really say I was more interested in like studying when I lived in Italy, so I didn’t fully days. So I don’t know. I my guess is that it’s more like let’s hang out. It’s not a thing like dating. It’s not a thing. Yeah. You get to know each other and you get a drink or go to a restaurant. It’s not like let’s go on a date. Yeah. It’s not like I did something.

Right. Right.

And then I’ve done a lot of studies personally on relationships. And as as fast as that happens, if one is not conscious in I’m talking about heterosexual heterosexual relationships where one will become the dominant partner in terms of boys and the other will undergo a process of that. One of my teachers, Heriot Llanos, says DSN, which is really not having a voice traditionally and is the DSM partner, is the woman. And this starts from day one. Date number one where and I’m guilty of that.

I’ve been on dates with that. I had to play nice to not speak the truth of what I was seeing and to not say what I want to say to be accommodating. This is kind of like leading. Hmm.

Mm hmm. Yeah, I feel like someone has been in the picture. I saw I met those really attractive young woman and one of my jobs and her name is Sarah. Without revealing her last name and you so attractive, she could really date any men she could find. Like at least that’s how I interpreted the situation. Right. Very all-American. And I remember she coming. She came back from a date very young. Hey, Sarah, how did it go?

She’s like all the guys. I’m like, oh, my God, the guy is very good looking. And and then she basically said, oh, you know, he was talking about himself the entire time. I mean, like literally the entire time didn’t ask me any questions. I said, OK, I said, maybe, maybe there’s a chance maybe you can go on a second date. And she was you know, she didn’t want to do that.

But know what the what the heck she went on the second day, the same thing happened. And she literally came back and said, I don’t mind if I never see him again. And I was so proud of her for saying that she recognized the age of twenty three that there is an issue then she doesn’t like. She stood her ground. I was like, wow, something to learn from that. I will suffer for a lot longer before that happens.

At 23, it’s amazing, you know, the next step is like on day to No. One when he’s talking about himself all the time. You just interrupted him like I feel there’s no space for me right here. How do you about that? Give him the benefit of a doubt, like you being nervous. That’s why you’re talking a lot. So, like you can have a voice in that conversation is not just about removing yourself from the dead.

You can have a voice from moment one. And that’s all about developing the strength within and the groundedness within. Speak your truth. And then, like, if the guy leaves, it wasn’t meant to be. Or if it stays, it’s like, oh, wow, I didn’t notice it for pointing it out. And, you know, the right person who was thinking it’s not about making mistakes and not being flawless about the pair.

Yeah. Yeah, giving feedback. And that’s part of the authenticity journey as well. But sometimes it’s like that’s part of the Asian culture that we were trained to, to I don’t want to use the word suffer in such a strong as a strong word, but suffer has always been integrated in into part of our lives since we were kids. We’re constantly reminded of that. And like I’ll tell you a quick, funny story. I took my aunt to go get a massage like as a as a gift for her birthday.

She’s very hard working. She has not done like received the massage in, like, years. And she didn’t realize that with us. There’s like a little hole on the bed so you can breathe through it. And it wasn’t really done right the whole time. She was like pretty much suffocating. And then she got off. She’s like, oh, I’m so glad this is over. I said, why didn’t you say something? She was like, Oh, I thought I didn’t want to make anybody feel bad.

I maybe something that I was doing wrong. I was just like such a reflection of a joyful event which made her feel like she couldn’t she can speak up. There was a service to her still. She couldn’t take it like so common.

English is so common in women that. They’re more concerned about making other people feel comfortable and ruffling any feathers, then speaking the truth, and this becomes very problematic. This is something I teach in my classes when we talk about consent and sexual interaction. So like even like interactions were like like a hug. You know, you might not want to that specific person to hug you, but then you let that person hug you. If you don’t think you can say no.

So you have all these cases. I don’t know if this is what you want to go, but like this case is in the know in the news with the Metoo movement where. You hear about women saying yes, when they should have said no, but I understand that they probably didn’t have an awareness within themselves that they could say no. Nervous system.

Oh, I definitely, definitely want to go there. One thing that you mentioned, I ended up cracking up because it was so honest that you say certain things to me because based on trust, we just met. But at the same time, it’s like, wow, I noticed that, too. I think that’s why certain comedians are so funny, because they’re true is that you notice this behavior of men versus women. Social media profiles, whether it’s on Facebook or Instagram, doesn’t matter.

So you notice the trend of, you know, men often posting a lot more about themselves, their interests, whereas women are always there, even their profile picture everything that has their their men in it, their babies. It’s like you’re right. I have rarely seen a woman posting anything about themselves.

Yeah. And this is like, you know, it makes sense until like 50 years ago, we only survived within a marriage. Yeah. And when we were provided for so we did not have our own identity outside of this very institutionalized structure where we were providing this is what I think we were providing free domestic and reproductive labor rights that he relies on.

Yeah, domestic and reproductive labor. Yes.

Yeah. And the word is labor. When you when you give birth, there were these labor labor. So if we have blacks, I have so much compassion for myself and for every woman. So there’s no shame in that. I’m like on a mission of defaming all of this because there’s no shame in having blacks and feeling the like. Or you can not just get over it and post that video on Facebook. No, this is like deeply entrenched in your body and in your psyche.

And it wasn’t until that long ago that you only existed within a family structure where you didn’t have a voice or you had a voice only within that and not your identity of your own outside of that. So it makes sense that there are blocks to visibility. And that’s why it’s like I had to heal all of that in myself and understand all of that in myself. And that’s why I’m so passionate about doing the work that I do and the coaching that I do right now.

Yeah, that’s amazing. And I think what you’re saying really is resonating and will resonate even once we go off this live broadcasting. There’s one example I thought about. It was so profound for me that there’s a company, I think it’s called something period or something like allowing women to talk about their menstrual period. And it was such a huge movement. I remember this from like twenty, fifteen or so then it’s OK to talk about. And it was shocking to me because I find that at least the women I’ve encountered in America, young women, older women are so open to talking about there’s no big deal, whereas there was such a stigma, as crazy as it sounds, something that happens to every woman or nearly every woman you know in the history of time.

But I remember in China like that the amount of anxiety that I went through during that age. Like I just remember, like every day, like leading to that period, I was really living in fear. Like, I never talked about this, actually, because, you know, and turned out I was one of the first girls and it was just crazy that you can never be too early. You can be too late. You want to be right in the middle.

I don’t even know what that means. Like that one year. What is that? The six month period or something. And and but when I, you know, just using my my cousin Shawna, who is probably not watching this, she’s better than I am. She was 13 years old. She just happens to be in China when this happened to her. And her mom had just left China. And I was there with her, like literally in the cab.

I’m like, oh, my God, I don’t I just felt such a sense of protection. I’m like, I’m going to explain everything to her. This is going to be OK. And of course, she’s from the US like she was born and raised here. And she was totally OK with she was like, I’m fully educated, I’m totally cool. I feel like a woman. She was so proud of it. And I’m like, what was such a groundbreaking moment?

Like, I prepare myself all these years to comfort her and be there for her. And and then she’s like, yeah, what’s the big deal?

But it says even in the US, I mean, this is what I teach in my class. There’s so much stigma around periods are like, you know, how a woman’s body body functions. Ultimately, if you think about like commercials for tampons, like you see like a woman running around in the field. And I’m like, this doesn’t make sense. Right. That’s why, like, I try as much as I can like to show films in my classes where you see like there’s a film that I love to teach where you see I used tampon.

Like, we need to see that. We need to destigmatize all of this. We need to. I do believe that women’s voices and women’s bodies, the way they’re treated in society, that is connected, censored, even in the US, that is more liberal compared to China or even Italy. They’re they’re policed both women’s voices and women’s bodies. Everyone is telling us how we need to look, how we need to behave, how we need to sound.

We can be we are we’re like we’re objectified, made into sexual objects, but also invisible because no one cares about voices. Right. Like, I was like looking at a statistics about how much women speak in Disney movies versus men. And, you know, Disney movies are most of them have female led that. You have Meulen, you have Little Mermaid, you have bubble hunters. It’s like 20 percent to 80 percent, 20 percent female and 80 percent male in like Pocahontas or Moulin, which is like a female led movie, because most writers, most writers are still men in the writers room.

When I interviewed Ben Smith, who wrote for the first and second season of Barry, the HBO show, and he said one of the the most profound experience as women, as Munther, as well as colleagues in the writers room, which is the best experiences I ever had. And he completely advocates to say that why can we have more women in the writers room? And as a result, it is just like you mentioned, the ridiculousness of not only that, the level of speech that they’re given, but also the things that are actually doing in movies.

There’s always a scene so funny. My partner Adam talks about it. There’s always a man reading book, newspaper in the bedroom, and the women are always standing in front of the mirror and like, you know, putting lotion on their skin is like there’s always a scene like that hundreds of times.

And even if we grew up in a progressive household where the message is to be independent, to be a own person, then we consume the media. I was watching Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. We consume the media. And the message there is like, oh, we should care about a beauty and we should care about our weight. And then, like, of course, we spend a lifetime worrying about how we look and how much we weigh and what we eat versus like running for president.

Yeah, creating our own business. And I think society does something I wanted to mention earlier, too. We are uncomfortable with our own power because of the messages that we receive, because society is uncomfortable with women’s power. And so our journey, which I frame it as the journey of finding and owning your voice, is really the journey of getting in touch with your own power and even power. It’s like such a loaded word that I use on purpose because I want to destigmatize power and redefine it.

Love that, love that another as we’re getting into the women and their voices and how to really articulate their voices, so, you know, working with you sounds like you’re you can help them unblock and then you can transition them to something very practical, such as how to write about themselves, how to actually promote themselves, talking about themselves, their origin stories, their services, their impact. Something you mentioned last time, which is right. Writing versus coffee writing.

Could you speak to that a little bit? It’s fascinating to me.

Yeah, it is fascinating to me, too. I think once you have a loved your voice, learning a little bit of copywriting is not a bad idea so that you can, you know, adapt it in a way that’s more readable to your audience, but still being true to yourself. But if you haven’t done the work of really understand how to talk about your work in a way that feels true to you and you go straight to the copywriting, then it doesn’t make sense.

It’s I mean, I use strong words, but it’s kind of like violating your own voice in some way. And if you’re not there yet, where you found your own voice and you can apply to copy writing rules, I would say always go for writing. I like very direct communication and copy writing is not always that I don’t want flowery language. I want to know exactly who you are, how you can help me, or how we can collaborate or how you’re interesting as a person and for your ideas.

And I feel copywriting all kind of sounds the same as trying to hide the core of the message. And I’m all for truth.

And as a result, in a very crowded marketing marketplace today, by speaking your truth or really cut through the noise a lot faster and which is essentially what this what this conversation is about, how do women and immigrant entrepreneurs really stand out? So one other thing to kind of fast forward that for women and immigrant entrepreneurs who are listening to this or really anyone who have started their own businesses, there is a common pitfall or there’s a common struggle that a lot of people have.

This is you maybe a year or a few years into your journey is something called that we call it, or you refer to it as a creative unifier, which is people ask me all the time as like Fayose or what are you are you a podcast or are you YouTube or or you like to do films like to a lot of people that that that doesn’t make sense and which I call it. I am a content creator now. I’m a full time content creator.

I like to create all sorts of content and and you know, and then those that type of content are for people very much like you, for you, for me, for creative entrepreneurs. And so, you know, what’s your recommendation, advice, tips and and advice for people who are struggling with that feel like, oh, I finally created, but I feel like they’re cohesive, at least not right away. Like what’s going on.

Well, the first advice I would have is like find a coherent narrative that unifies all those things. So for me, it’s a voice. So I became very, very clear on my story and how to frame it around this notion of voice so that I could have a bunch of different offerings that all relate back to the Origin story. That’s why I like the story. You can use that story, bring it. But like also in psychology terms, because I really like psychology and therapy, it’s about creating a cohesive narrative which has a function in business terms in terms of branding.

People can recognize you for your story, not just for the offering. That’s the difference between service provider and leader to you have ideas about content and then you create different offerings podcasts, video, YouTube, film versus just being a podcast as someone who helps people create a podcast and there’s nothing wrong with either one, you just have to figure out where you fall. So creating this cohesive narrative as also has a vital function for healing your nervous system and creating a nervous system safety so that you can create your business, you can create your content from that, and the content becomes an expression of all of you, kind of like an embodied channeling of the content because you’re grounded in it yourself.

So that story brand that may seem like a business trick is actually what gives you groundedness so that you feel safe within yourself to create your content.

That’s super helpful. Yeah, I wasn’t sure if you had something else to add to that.

It’s it’s something that came to me. Just as you were asking the question, I wonder. So I went from the story to the offering because I went from the ideas, because I am an intellectual. I like ideas to the coaching and the offering. I could potentially see also the other way around, as someone has a lot of different offerings and they’re like they don’t make sense together, do the work of creating a framework that is central to you, but like where all the offerings could come together.

Mm hmm. This is great. I feel like we are we’re getting to the more technical areas, which a lot of people really want to hear, and even if it’s not immediately resonating relevant to them, but just by hearing entrepreneurs deeply and transparently about their own struggles have always proven to be very helpful to me. So we talked about people who haven’t gotten started, how to find their voice unblock, find their voice. Then you’re going to find yourself creating this big bubble of content, maybe seem a little bit all over the place.

You follow something and you feel like you’re shooting in the dark. But then there is that third stage, which is begin to neach down a little bit. You know, it’s important to know that it’s absolutely possible to overnight to find a niche that’s too narrow. But for the most part, for most people, it’s often about being too broad. And the reason is that the way we’re raised, we want to speak to more people. So we think there’s going to be a bigger percentage of people were more leads.

If we approach more people, like, you know, one thing I didn’t want to do, for example, is I knew it wouldn’t be authentic to me or my brain if I only speak to immigrant or immigrant women. I care about them deeply. But I knew that my message wouldn’t be so nice down to that it should be helpful and relevant to other people. So what is your own journey been like? How have you learned about the power of appealing to a subset of the people and people who are really hyper targeted at the services that you’re offering?

What I found is that a really, really Neshin downer, and I don’t believe in the client avatar like what they’re reading, what they’re eating and the I don’t care. I don’t doesn’t it doesn’t work.

I don’t work at all. I mean, maybe if you sell cereal, you want to see the habits, like maybe for very, very specific cases. But like if you’re offering coaching, for instance, like like I do like I want to be very, very clear on the problem that I’m solving and what’s the transformation at the end. That’s all you really need to know. And for me, what I found is that I went through that process of finding my voice and figuring out what I wanted to say and what my thought leadership was.

And then I found myself kind of stuck because as I have all these things to say, but I kind of I don’t know how to target them. So I could say them in a way I would like an academic article, but that’s not what’s going to resonate in my resonate in an abstract way. But it’s not leading to business for me or real deep, lasting transformation. So I found that Neshin down on the problem and a subset of the population really help me give a framework to all my ideas because I have a lot of things to say.

I am creative, so I love creating content. So it actually gave me more freedom to say what I want to say, which is which can be a little edgy. And by the way, as an aside, I love that we’re talking about Nicias and I thought leadership and periods of diversed will go. But we can do that because we’re grounded in our voice. We’re always coming back to ourselves. Yeah. So that Neshin gave me the freedom to really say what I want to say and yes, and we know that there’s also no stigma related to money that I notice of when I talk to men and women on, especially while going live, is people say, is it is it OK to talk about money?

Or to be honest, I spoke with people to say, hey, can we we can record this privately, but I don’t want to talk about it publicly related to money. And that’s just such a it’s such a fascinating area, too, that I see. I’ve come across people who charges, you know, a few hundred dollars for consulting versus people I know would charge 10, 20 thousand dollars for consulting or one hundred thousand dollars for group consulting over the course of six months.

It’s like so all over the place. And and then just earlier I read this article I’ve been following this woman that was introduced to me. Never heard of her before, Eleanor Armstrong, Eleanor with an E at the end. And her website literally is a newsletter actually looks really sketchy. I wasn’t sure what it was as I sign up for my newsletter and I did. And she sends an email every day. And the one that I got today is kind of interesting.

She said. Coaches often talk about you need your confidence and your confidence to find your find your voice. And, you know, it doesn’t it doesn’t always work that way. You know, like to say that, oh, you should feel confidence so you can charge ten thousand dollars. She’s like, OK, there’s a disconnect. So what you are getting into the deeper end, like, what have you been able to coach your female entrepreneur clients to let them know that they are allowed to charge more?

They’re encouraged. They can charge more. Like what? What is that process like? I’m really curious.

Well, first of all, talking about confidence, I don’t talk about confidence. I think confidence such a generic word, like I don’t even know what it means. And maybe it’s like very personal. I’m very subjective. I teach about safety. You know, being able to charge more is about, first of all, feeling safe with then charging more that it doesn’t mean anything about you, that you’re a bad person or that you are a selfish person or whatever, that you you lose love, that you’re unlovable if you’re a successful, powerful.

And then just like once you feel safe, you can really start to embody your worthiness. And the father, you’re like a beautiful being living on Earth. And so you’re worthy no matter what. And you offer an incredible transformation and you should be well paid. But that’s the way I describe all of this, is that the specific words I use in my seem a little airy fairy, but like it’s about restoring your energy field. So if we have a history of not speaking up, kind of like the story of your aunt, where she’s uncomfortable, she’s not speaking up.

And if we think that we have a bubble of energy around us that kind of represents our own energy, like that’s what people talk about when they talk about kurzman of being magnetic, what happens if we don’t speak up for decades? That bubble of energy becomes weak and leaky. So what we have to do is restore that bubble of energy so that if feels whole and sovereign and that happens by, again, healing the nervous system and then understanding that that bubble of energy is the transformation that we provide and is attracting more and more abundance.

Yeah, you know, I feel like a for me, that’s an ongoing journey and something that I feel like I’m learning every every single day, really. And well, living this pandemic, I feel that, wow, I, I do feel grounded and I feel like there are like you said, there’s a space of possibility that there’s an opportunity for people like us to help other people to kind of see through the truth of themselves and help them become entrepreneurs.

And it just I find out this is such an exciting time because I think the the pandemic has really transformed a lot of us, like whether we chose it or not. We certainly did not choose the pandemic. But some people may say, I’m not ready to work from home. I’m not ready to really do work this way. But you have to you’re kind of you’re pushed so many companies are considering now letting people work from home and give them more freedom, accessibility to their own home and their family.

And it just. Have you noticed that, too, with some of your clients? Like, I wonder how your service, your works have been transformed by this pandemic?

Yes, absolutely. So. I wasn’t surprised by the pandemic, not the fact that a pandemic happened, but like the transformation to happen, I kind of felt like I went through a pretty intense spiritual journey of awakening a couple of years ago. So, like, I want to say that I was with all the privileges that I have. So taking that into consideration, I didn’t know I was still able to be a professor. My business was all online.

So like, I was in shock at the transformation. But what I find is that more and more people are awakening to their true purpose. And they’re like, OK, I know I’ve always worked a nine to five, but I’m no, I’m meant to do something more, something bigger. And I’ve always had this nagging boys, when they wake up in the morning, they’re like, there’s more, there’s more, there’s more. And maybe they think that they have to meditate more or like exercise more or go on the next diet or maybe even higher a coach or work harder.

But those things are not. It’s what they need is to find their authentic voice and their purpose. So the pandemic has accelerated a timeline for that. So actually, I haven’t pivoted my business. I was able to become more of myself and really clarify my message for these times. We need, if your call to do more and you think that a business is the right path for you, you need to hire me first and foremost. But then follow that nudge, nudge the little voice.

That’s why I’m able to be here right now talking to you, because I follow the nudge, which didn’t make sense at all. I was like, I have a PhD from an Ivy League university. I have a full time job when the academic job market is not going well, like everyone is telling me how lucky I am. And then there’s this voice that I’m meant to do more and be more. And as this other side of me, that’s not expressed.

And so what I’m saying is I follow that nudge that the pandemic might have taken. It’s the time.

Yeah. And I think there’s such an opportunity that you follow the voice. And I’ve had that voice in my head, I think, since I was pretty young. But I think pretty much the first day I got my internship, like my my co-op job, not even the first full, full time job, I just felt like, well, there’s got to be more to life than this. And I think there’s also an opportunity. I start as I started writing about that in general, it resonated with other people.

So when you have that voice, chances are you’re not the only one. So if you could not only help yourself level, but others around you as well, you might just have a business and.

If you have the courage to put yourself out there, you’re going to guide so many people through that transformation and not in the sense that you become the guru or whatever, you’re just modeling, having the courage to follow a different path. And if you’re an immigrant, like we followed a different path and it’s kind of a big deal to move from a different country, you are changing timelines, especially if you’re moving from like China to the US or like Europe to the US.

If you’re moving from a very traditional place to a place with not as long as a history, with very different structures where self actualization, if you have privilege, is possible versus a more traditional environment. So you’re changing timeline already in that transition. And you can become a model. You guide a guide of sorts, not like a guru type of guy, but like you can model transformation.

Mm hmm. Yeah, it’s such an opportunity. I find myself talking about this with my mom who stuck stuck here with me because of the pandemic. But we really haven’t had such a long period of time to reflect on my journey. Her journey, like her transformation of sending her, just turned 17 year old daughter overseas without knowing when she’s going to come back. And she just told me the other day, I’m like, I didn’t realize she had something like my first year.

I came here as a high school student. She had one year of tuition saved up. And I came out here. She didn’t. I was like, Really? You didn’t? You know, she we didn’t know what I’m going to was going to go to college here, which was extremely expensive. But she just figure it out along the way, like freshman sophomore. And I realized how much courage and, you know, coin toss is just unbelievable.

So Claudie has been such a pleasure chatting with you live streaming with you. Is there anything else you would like to share with whoever’s watching? How do they find you learn more about your work.

So my website is called the Women’s Figure Project dot com, so they can go there and there’s a free guy also that they can download to sort of like the journey if they feel stuck, kind of like the journey of understanding what that stuff is, because most likely, if you want to create something, you know what to do. You have to post videos on YouTube, but you’re not doing it. There are blogs and like I have a specific view on those blocks.

Please go to my website and download the guide. And also, I’m fairly active on Instagram and my handle is Dr. Klaudia, so you can find me there.

Awesome. So great. Yeah. So thanks, everyone for watching. I’m going live with a number of people that I absolutely adore learning from speaking with. So we certainly are going to do this again very soon. And that’s it. Bye, guys. I’m going to turn off live now. That’s it, so simple, is it a crazy idea?

Yeah, I love that we talk about periods and like, yeah, it was like I was like crying. Oh my God. I literally cried probably for days, but I survived because, like, teaching each girls from 18 to twenty one, they still had this still so much shame around periods and stuff like that. Even in the US, even in the US, like 18 to twenty one. Like it’s not news anymore, you know, like and it’s like, I mean there’s pain associated with it, there’s just that frustration and athletes.

Right. Like I you know, like athletes, swimmers, tennis players doesn’t track, you know, like just this just difficult. Like women have to navigate all of these things later on pregnancy, having a family and being taken out of work force like, oh, when does it end?

Like. I mean, there’s a there’s a YouTube commercial that I get when I buy often what is is this Asian woman like a little bit younger than us? She says, like, oh, I love sex. I’m like, OK, very different message, but I hate my period. Why? You know, and I don’t know if it’s a I don’t know what I got to check it out.

I lost my period is so wrong. It’s like even like the I love sex. It just the way she says it, it’s like. Is that empowered, like kind of bitchy woman the like, I don’t think it’s a healthy model like the girl, boss girl, boss girl. I’m going to send you the article, The Girl, because like my friend Michael Rinzai, Chad, I was like, like, maybe you want to see another another girl bus for the weather, like what we said in the Atlantic about the Garbus being over being that’s the article that.

Oh, my God. Yeah, and because of the girl boss, it’s like you talk to fit into a system, that’s the change.

Yeah, I mean, if you’re truly strong and safe, right. That why you have to call yourself where each other girl bosses and then, boss, you don’t have to be a girl. You call yourself just boss.

Yeah. Girl boss is ridiculous. But like even with the period like you know, like why yes. There are cases when there are medical conditions and like change. But why don’t, why not have some education around all of that education, you know, loving our body and the fact that women lived ten years on average, 10 years longer, longer than men, period, has a lot to do with it. Like, you know, it’s so interesting circulation, like reducing zinc and iron in your blood.

And like, it’s so it’s so fascinating because that same thing, like, yes, society benefits for free reproductive labor and then says the periods are horrible. You know, the blood is like, yeah, it is like the we are exploited. Yeah. That’s why I like you know, that’s trauma. Even if we grew up in the best possible family. Yeah. All these are exploited for labor, domestic labor. But then they’re rejected at the same time, they’re exploited for like the male gaze and guys sexual pleasure, and of course, it’s not all men, it’s like the men of the patriarchy.

But then we don’t have an identity. Whenever we have, we are empowered sexually or whatever and a period of body, what we eat, whatever we are like. No, you’re not allowed to do that.

Yeah, yeah. And, you know, I definitely grew up with a lot of anxiety for I don’t know how it came about. But also I grew up in a family where my mom’s the oldest and all my cousins were boys until 10 years later. My my cousin Sean. I mentioned as part of this, if she had her, she was like she and I were 10 years apart for 10 years as me and the boys, a lot of fighting grabbing whenever we got together.

And I always noticed that somehow my status wasn’t either wasn’t necessarily my status was just different than everyone else. I’m constantly remind us like, hey, you can I had short hair, very, very tomboy, like all the way skateboarding. And my grandparents and family reminded me, like, you remember your girl, remember, you’re a woman. Remember, your leg was so beat into me like I already know. I mean, this was really nothing that you’d I wanted to be an also like I want to be a woman.

Right. It’s always a marker. And a lot of the negative messages come from our mothers and grandmothers because the way they grew up, I mean, they had to be a certain way to be safe, be provided for and have a husband so that they could survive. So, like. You know, that’s all about second wave feminism, which was all about what we now call the Garbus model, like the strong independent woman who’s like a man.

Yeah, it was all predicated on like, I don’t want to be like my mother because she was a housewife.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So extreme that it goes back to the either too quiet or you’re screaming and like offending everybody. Like what? What about you know, I notice I studied computer, I studied computer science or three women in my class and I remember four women including me. And it was was oh I could actually hear myself. Oh, what happened? So it was challenging, like to hear these female programmers always stand up in the middle of a class.

I think the statement should be that I’m like, chill, chill out like it’s OK. But she felt a need and I felt bad for her. She felt the need to scream that to like you around her online because it was like so much anxiety for a woman in tech.

And that I believe that. And that is like a frozen you know, if you think about the trauma response as a fight flight of reason, that’s a frozen response, which means that your sense of self is frozen. But it should be like playful and like energetic and fluid. I understand that if you’re a woman in tech. Yeah, you might be a survivor response.

Yeah. Yeah. This is so helpful. Oh, my God. This is so great. I mean, I knew I knew I would absolutely enjoy this. So please let me know what I can do. I mean, what we can do for each other. And I, I downloaded your ebook, very happy to have a blog post and I’ll add some of the Instagram handles to that. Really excited for both of us, to be honest. I’m like I said, I’m creating a super website landing page just so that I can speak directly to exact from executives to entrepreneur.

Such an exciting space. And I want to see how that goes. And, you know, I almost feel like I know the work that we do is almost in succession. Like, you know, they work with me first and then then working with you when they’re really like for me, they getting will find the courage and then the visibility that it’s like, OK, let’s make a plan. Yeah. Round up the network. We create the videos.

And so I could see the succession. So if someone comes to you and you’re like, yes, I can help you create the content, but you feel that they’re not ready because there’s something.

Yeah, I’ll send them to you. Yeah. Yeah.

And if someone like, you know, I finish working with I like you. You want to amplify your voice. Yeah.

Yeah, absolutely. That makes so much sense. And exactly like you said, a lot of people I work with right now, they’re already into their six figures, you know, some of them into their multi six figures. And they do see it as an investment. When they work with me, they see it as an investment in themselves, but so that they can, you know, not just be a entrepreneur, working, charging by project with hours to work for others.

They want to create a body of work themselves that people want to consume, want to come to and pay for. So that’s that’s really, really interesting. So definitely I do have a lot of people. I’m like, oh, I don’t think there are now qualifiers be like they’re they’re the wrong audience. They’re not ready. So I would love to.

Yes. Know like. Yes, and it makes sense because you could have built like a six figure business trying to be proper and professional, but then like that voice inside, as I you should share your story.


And they have no idea. They’re not clear what their story is, what their message is, because they’re so self censoring. So if you get a sense that someone might be on that path, I’m also in the process of changing my I’m the best of hiring a business coach, that I can change my website and make it a bit more targeted, not just like a feminist rant, like just targeted to the problem.

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And then run maybe maybe one thing I’ll just leave you with to consider, which is a lot of us are trying to say, you have a website, you have a single website, highly targeted clean, you have your ebooks. The reality of people who actually make money is all of them use paid ads. Mannan just pouring money into the ether. But they are highly targeted with their landing page, with the situation you’re in.

And not only that, they have not a single ad. They have multiple, multiple ads like 20, 30 different versions of the ad so they can see which one ended up to be to compete to the top. They have multiple landing pages. We don’t talk about that stuff. It’s like, how do they nail it? They didn’t they waste the, quote unquote, wasted a lot of money to learn what doesn’t work and then they keep pouring money to the one that does work.

So that’s just the the truth behind all this.

Yeah, Julian, as we were saying, also, I want to have like. What products to sell?

Yeah, yeah, definitely keep me posted on the journey, I will let you know what I learn as well, and I’ll send you some of the tutorials or articles that I find helpful, and we’ll take it from there.

That’s great. OK, this was awesome. And thank you so much for the video of our last call with the two buddy buddy. Yes, yeah. Yes. OK, let’s stay in touch. Tell me, like when you post everything, I mean, this thing is like but then if you post a blog and everything, I’d be happy to promote promote it with my page, with my list as well so that they can be directed to you.

Oh, awesome. Yes, absolutely. There will be a podcast episode, edit it. And also on Tuesday the podcast will go through her like Apple, Spotify, everything. So that one’s going to come soon. I just love this format that even though it’s a little bit rough that people get to see you and meet you right away like I wish I did does a years ago, like what’s the point of editing for four weeks, launch it and like recreate everything that people are like?

Yeah, this is way more timely.

And I feel like this is a whole other topic. But like I feel people nowadays really crave that authenticity. Yeah, this is like the Polish version of like one video every Tuesday at 10 a.m..

Yeah, yeah, exactly. Like my life certainly is part of that leadership model where you like you’re being you. Yeah, exactly. And that did.


The world is so grateful for our connection to have a great rest of your day. This episode of the First World podcast is brought to you by First World LLC, our marketing service agency created for independent creators and businesses. We offer website development, video production, marketing, mentorship to people who want to tell better stories, level up and create a profitable brand. These were a podcast team. Our chief editor and producer, Herman Silvio’s associate producer, Adam Lefort, social media and content manager Rose Leon, transcript editor Allena Almodóvar.

And lastly, myself, the creator and host of Face World. Thank you so much for listening.

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