Helen Chin Lui

Helen Chin Lui: Natural Healing and Self Care at Home and at Work (#82)

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Our Guest Today: Helen Chin Lui

Helen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner and teacher. She specializes in helping people of all ages to to provide chronic digestive relief, chronic pain relief and balance hormones naturally. In 2006, Helen founded the Healing Place in Medfield, MA. When Helen isn’t healing she is researching, teaching and writing. She also coaches self-care, self-healing Reflexology, Reiki and Chakra Balancing workshops. 

As part of Helen’s education program, she will be presenting for the fourth consecutive year (started in 2012) at the largest New England annual Natural Living Expo on November 13, 2016, in Marlboro, MA. This year she will be presenting topics on “Are Your Emotions Eating You? Stop Negative Energy from Sabotaging Your Digestive Health.”

Personally, I’ve always been interested and invested in massage treatment, reflexology.  I participated in various sports in high school, college and needed an outlet for injury recovery.  Though my regular activities today (yoga, swimming, Taekwondo) don’t bring nearly as much physical trauma to my body, like most of you, I still experience varying levels of stress and anxiety from personal life and work. Massage therapy, meditation remain at the top of my list for healthy living. (I recently wrote an article on My Favorite Apps for Meditation)

Helen working at office 1 | Feisworld

Before I spoke with Helen, I had little knowledge of Reiki and digestive well being. But even if none of these topics resonates with you just yet, I also invited Helen to speak to us about wellness at work and how to avoid and balance situations that are unhealthy or toxic.

I hope you enjoy this healing conversation, and I’m sure Helen will be able to answer your questions (she provides 60 mins free consultation) on her webiste – click on “Request a Consultation”. Or if you need a recommendation for a reflexologist near you,  drop me a note in the Comments section below and I’ll be happy to help!

To learn more about Helen and the Healing Place, you can visit their webiste and Facebook Page.

Show Note:

  • [05:00] Helen’s comment on the Chinese community growing up in the United States in the 1950s
  • [07:00] Brief introduction about Helen and her healing techniques.
  • [09:00] What was it like for Helen to grow up in Boston in 1950s? → Helen’s upbringing.
  • [14:00] How does Helen work with people who work in very stressful environments? What do you mean by “neutralizing negativity”?
  • [20:00] How can people deal coworkers they don’t get along with? What they can do to maintain their own energy levels?
  • [22:00] What does Helen think about seeking out people whose energy compliment yours?
  • [26:00] Does Helen think that it is OK to fail in the process of identifying different energies from people? It is a complicated process and you need to have a lot of experience.
  • [27:00] How does Helen work with her clients after the initial consultation?
  • [30:00] What are some of the reasons for energy blocks in Helen’s patients?
  • [32:00] How often does Helen see her patients?
  • [35:00] How could anyone start self-healing?

Favorite Quotes:

  • [14:00] The work environment was so incredibly toxic […] and I knew this as soon as I walked in. I couldn’t believe I did a 360 degree turn from my previous job.
  • [15:00] One of the things I started to understand is that I could no longer hold my energy space at work anymore. Slowly I was being eaten away…
  • [26:00] Staying objective with clients is really difficult. If the energy of an employee is not good, in the long run I’ll let them go.
  • [31:00] You will only be able to help people, whenever you’ve been helped. If you are stuck with a situation because of your energy […] you’ll only attract similar people.
  • [36:00] The first step to self-healing is learning how mindful are you about your body, your mind your emotions, because most of us, whenever we have pain […] we will ignore it. […] Pain will go away. But what does that energy go? People think that it dissipates. It never does. It lives in us. Acknowledging your past is key to start the first step to self-healing.


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Music Credits: 

Choose Music – Royalty Free Music

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