Srini Rao

Srini Rao: What It Takes to Be an Unmistakeable Creative (#50)

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Our Guest Today: Srini Rao

Srini Rao (@umistakableCEO) is the host and founder of The Unmistakable Creative podcast where he has conducted over 600 interviews with thought leaders and people from all walks of life. Srini has a distinctive viewpoint on branding, storytelling, and marketing. I’ve followed his podcast for over a year, never missing an episode. Unmistakable Creative is a popular podcast, with new episodes released twice a week. Srini recently partnered with Soul Pancake, who helped create a series of animated shorts for over 1.6 million viewers.

Srini’s platform provides a rich and unique experience. He enjoys asking questions that have never been asked before, and he doesn’t let anyone off the hook.

Instead of focusing on Srini’s achievements, and putting Unmistakeable Creative on a pedestal, I took a different approach to delve into his daily practice, routines and beliefs. I hope you take away as much as you can today to practice what Srini has taught us.

We Cover a Lot in This Episode Including:

  • How Srini first discovered the magic of surfing, which has been an integral part of his creative life for the past 7 years
  • Srini discusses his two new books, to be released in 2016
  • The process of working with a publisher vs. self-publishing
  • Why Srini chooses not to check emails for the first 4 hours of the day
  • What is a typical day like for Srini?
  • How he spends the first hour after he wakes at around 6:30am
  • Demystify habits of the most creative people
  • Bulletproof coffee and low carb meals
  • What does it mean to Srini to practice his freedom
  • Diving into Unmistakeable Creative: How Srini creates / produces / iterates on inputs and outputs. (Plus, why he believes iterations and experimentations are essential for creative work)
  • New animated shorts – how they elevated the Unmistakeable Creative brand and altered brand perception
  • How Srini prepares for his 600+ interviews
  • Creative input vs. process (How to choose guests and where to seek inspirations)

If you learned a few things while listening to the podcast, please give Srini a shoutout on Twitter.

To learn more about Srini and Unmistakeable Creative, please visit

Animated Short: The Crossroads of Should and Must With Elle Luna


Animated Short: Expanding Yourself Through Expereince With Dave Vanderveen


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