Wade Devers on the Feisworld Podcast

Wade Devers: Designer to Creative Director With Authenticity and Humor (#36)

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Our Guest Today: Wade Devers

Wade Devers was an Executive Creative Director and Managing Director at Arnold Worldwide. He always leaves a unique impression. When I first walked in the door at the Arnold office back in December 2013, I must have met dozens of people on Day 1. I remember forcing myself to remember all the names and faces and felt completely overwhelmed. When Wade walked by me for the first time, I remember thinking “That beard! That face! That outfit!” but most importantly, “That spirit!” 

wade befor after | Feisworld

Wade is both funny and fun to be around. He truly doesn’t look or dress like anyone else I’ve met (which makes remembering him incredibly easy). But what I like most about Wade is his spirit which I refer to as “spiritually warm” – by that I mean: you just can’t help wanting to be friends with him.

If you are listening to this episode because you come from Arnold and have worked with Wade before, you’ll likely discover many things you didn’t know about him.

We talk about agency life such as what it is like to be an Executive Creative Director in Boston (only a dozen or so jobs like this in the city) working on some of the coolest brands in the country and around the world. How has Wade transformed from a young designer to a creative director? How does Wade approach work and creativity on a daily basis? What does he look for in a new hire?

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The conversation doesn’t stop at the agency talk as we dive deeper into Wade’s secret origin story. Did you know that he spent years living in Scotland and working at a Chinese restaurant? It was an experience that has forever changed his life (for the better).

I learned that Wade is a family man who has wonderful relationships with all his four children. I had to ask him about parenthood and how he remains so cool in front of his teenage kids.

To learn more about Wade, follow him on Twitter, LinkedIn and check out his band called Wade Devers & The Deathbed Confessions.

Thank you for listening to this podcast. Please let me know your comment below or via Facebook, Twitter.

Show Notes:

  • “Life is a lot better if you are honest, straightforward and try to make people around you happy.” [5:30]
  • When I met Wade for the first time at Arnold Worldwide [9:30]
  • What is the reason for anyone to want to work at an agency? [11:30]
  • Some of the creative people Wade worked with over the years [14:00]
  • What are the qualities Wade looks for in Creative hires? [16:00]
  • How do you unblock yourself? [19:30]
  • Let’s talk about food! [23:00]
  • As a foodie + chef, what does Wade cook for his family and himself? [25:00]
  • Why are people wired so differently? [34:00]
  • Wade’s secret origin stories – what is something Wade doesn’t carry on the surface of himself? [36:00]
  • What is it like to be a cool dad to four children? [42:00]
  • What are some of the counterintuitive things Wade learned as a parent? [46:30]
  • What would Wade leave for his children that’s not money? [50:30]

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