Using AI during a live event: 2023 Guide

Using AI During A Live Event: Conference, Congress Or In-person Meeting (GUIDE) [2023]

In a few days, me and the Feisworld team will be attending the Microsoft Envision conference in New York. When reflecting, I’ve been consistently writing about AI, AI tools and how AI is radically impacting every industry since September 2022. Daily. So I wondered, how can we leverage AI during a live event like this?

I decided to write this article collecting just a few of my ideas, but this is work in progress! Feel free to comment below and send in more suggestions.

Let’s get started!

Using AI during a live event.

How to use AI during a live event (Conference, Congress or In-person Meeting)

To simplify, I split the ideas into three blocks: how you can use AI tools before, during and after the conference.

Before the Event

  • Travel Planning: Don’t know where or how to arrange the trip? Use AI-powered tools to put together the perfect itinerary, where to stay, what to visit. Check this post with some of the most powerful apps these days.
  • Agenda Selection: Have a hard time selecting sessions you are interested? There’s maybe multiple tracks and it’s hard to bounce around? Tell ChatGPT or Bard to select some for you and create tentative programs!
  • Chatbots for FAQ: Use AI chatbots on the event website or app to get answer to common questions about the event—everything from the dress code to the keynote speakers.
  • Creating smart business cards.

During the Event

  • Real-time Transcripts and Translation: AI-driven translation tools can provide real-time translation of speakers, making the event inclusive for attendees from various linguistic backgrounds.
  • Access data quicker: With ChatGPT, Bard and the new Google GSE, you can just have a conversation with the search engine to get access to the speakers or search information about the topics
  • Voice Assistants: You can use voice assistants to navigate the event, find sessions, or even grab a bite by asking for the nearest food stall.
  • Posting on Social Media: Use ChatGPT to produce good Tweets for the events. Use Captions to automatically edit, caption and publish short videos for Instagram, Shorts, and TikTok.

Conference notetaking with AI

After the Event

  • Summarize notes, create bullets, summarize the whole event: using an AI writer
  • Write blog posts or news articles.
  • Get the list of people you need to contact on LinkedIn. Let ChatGPT or Google AI do the research for you.
  • Comprehensive Data Analysis: Post-event, AI can analyze feedback from various channels, offering insights on what worked and areas of improvement.
  • Predictive Analytics for Future Events: Based on the recent event’s data, AI can offer predictions on future trends and preferences, aiding in planning subsequent events.
  • Automated Follow-ups: Send out AI-driven personalized follow-up emails, thanking attendees and providing them with relevant resources or connections.


Incorporating AI tools into the event industry is not just a modern trend—it’s a significant move towards creating more interactive, personalized, and efficient events.

From the planning stages to post-event engagements, AI can change how we look at these events, and how we’ve done things for a long time. Exciting! For now, tools like ChatGPT, Bard, Captions, and others, offer us a glimpse into the future of smart, AI-driven conferences and meetings.

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