content at scale

Content at Scale: 5 Ways It Will Change Your YouTube Strategy (2023)

Content At Scale For YouTube? My process as a content creator is simple, yet time-consuming. As a YouTuber, I spend countless of hours writing and fine-tuning scripts before recording my videos. Then, after they go live, I also publish the same content in a text version, embedding the YouTube video on my blog post.

Getting many videos in the pipeline can be tricky, and copywriting is one of the clear bottlenecks (who doesn’t have writer’s block, right?). Creating a full blog post from a video outline is draining and not where you want to spend most of your energy.

Everyone is talking about AI copywriting tools and I recently discovered Content At Scale, the only AI tool right now that can create human-like content that ranks on Google. I believe it can be a perfect assistant for YouTubers, and can drastically change your YouTube strategy and content creation process. Let’s dive in!

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What Is Content at Scale?

Content at Scale is an advanced artificial intelligence copywriting software that utilizes a sophisticated blend of three AI engines, natural language processing, and semantic analysis algorithms. In addition, it also crawls through the top-ranking websites on Google to gather information and create a comprehensive post.

Compared to other AI copywriting software available in the market, Content at Scale creates an entire blog post that has not only the body content but also the title, meta description, headings, URL slug, and more. Everything you need! Furthermore, their platform provides numerous suggestions and optimization tips to enhance your SEO score and achieve better Google rankings.

Content At Scale (2023)

Why Use Content at Scale as a Youtuber (Top 5 Reasons)

Content At Scale creates long-form articles between 750 and 3000+ words. You get a meta description, headings, and title, all included, ready for publishing. It uses a combination of AI copywriting tools that makes it really hard to detect if it was written by a human or not, even more if you review and adjust yourself before publishing (which is recommended).

You can combine the results from Content At Scale with other AI tools and take your content further. Let’s have a look at 5 concrete examples of you can use Content At Scale today to boost your YouTube channel growth.

Content At Scale Key Features (2023)

1. It Massively Boosts Your Content Pipeline

Content At Scale, compared to other AI copywriters, has a massive throughput. You can easily upload 20 keywords and get 20 blog posts back within just a few minutes. Not only that, the articles can be between 750 and 3000+ words, and be so human-like that typically bypass AI detection.

Scripting for YouTube is hard. Our team at Feisworld carefully crafts outlines and detailed scripts, but the process can take 2-3 hours per video, before recording. With Content At Scale, we can turn that to just minutes.

Here’s one example you can test out.

  1. Use TubeBuddy to research 10 keywords that had a content gap on Youtube (high-volume, low-competition)
  2. Use Content At Scale to generate 10 articles, about one for each of those keywords.
  3. After getting the articles back, edited them adjust those to your tone, and prepare them to go live on your blog, let’s say 1 or 2 per day.

2. It Helps You Create Video Outlines and Scripts

Since Content At Scale can create high-quality articles, you can use those as input for other AI tools that let you summarize or create concrete video scripts from them, like ChatGPT.

Take the previous example formula, and let’s take it further.

  1. Take an article you generated with Content At Scale.
  2. Copy and paste in ChatGPT, and ask the tool to create a video outline, summary, and script from the article.
  3. Use that outline to record your video.

That’s it! You have just cut the time spent scripting that once drained your energy before recording.

3. It Can Create Long Articles to Embed Your Existing Videos

Have a video that didn’t get so much traction after you published it on YouTube? Don’t worry. Content At Scale can create high-quality content that ranks well on Google. Having an article that ranks high will give you traffic, and free views to your videos if you have them embedded.

Here’s a formula you can use for existing videos

  1. Take a (good) video on your youtube channel that didn’t perform so well, but has potential.
  2. Enter keywords about that video on Content At Scale.
  3. Polish and publish
  4. Embed your YouTube video

4. It Saves You Time When Exploring New Topics

How many times did you publish videos that didn’t perform well? It is frustrating, right? It is more frustrating if you have put in a lot of work doing keyword research and scripting, just to try if you had a chance to rank on a given keyword.

Let’s admit it. Trying new topics on YouTube sucks. You never know what’s going to work, why, or when. It was the same with blog posts and articles, until today.

With the massive throughput of Content At Scale, you can batch-create multiple articles and publish them almost every day, with just one or two hours of work polishing and scheduling. That lets you scale up, try a myriad of topics, and see how they rank. Then, you can create YouTube videos for those, once you know that it already works.

Content At Scale can be a great tool to try new topics and get feedback for what you should create next, saving you thousands of hours and avoiding wild guesses.

5. It Can Write Articles About Your Guests

In 2023, many people will be podcasting and livestreaming on YouTube, and more than ever with guests. After going live, there’s a lot of homework left, tho. Most likely there’s an article published with a description of the guests, their backgrounds, ongoing projects, and more.

Many people are so public that most of the information can be fetched online. Content At Scale can be a great alternative to create articles about your guests or their projects. Those articles are time-consuming and it’s just something “you need to do”. It’s a great area to get help from AI tools and gain back your time.


The tool offers several tiers you can choose from, whether you are a beginner, more advanced user, or even an agency. It ultimately depends on how many blog posts you want to output per month.

  • 1st Lower Volume Tier: 4 Blog Posts ($37.50 per post—$150/mo).
  • 2nd Lower Volume Tier: 8 Blog Posts ($31.25 per post—$250/mo).
  • Starter: 20 Blog Posts ($25 per post—$500/mo).
  • Scaling: 50 Blog Posts ($20 per post—$1,000/mo).
  • Agency: 100 Blog Posts ($15 per post—$1,500/mo).
  • Additional Post Credits: $25 each.

The platform does not offer any free trial, but there’s a generous 30-day money-back guarantee, so it is literally no risk to try and get your money back if you are not convinced.

Content At Scale Pricing (2023)

Content at Scale for YOUTUBE: Conclusion

Content At Scale is a unique solution for AI copywriting. You get human-like content that bypasses AI detection, ranks well on Google, and provides you with meta descriptions, titles, headings, and even tweet suggestions.

Leveraging Content At Scale for YouTube content creation is a no-brainer. You can boost your pipeline by creating a massive amount of articles at a time. Use those articles to test the waters before even creating videos for certain keywords. See what works. Once you get feedback from your analytics, use your Content At Scale article to feed ChatGPT, creating video outlines and scripts in minutes. It can even create blog posts about your guests and interviewees.

Overall, Content At Scale saves YouTubers plenty of time, which is precious when running a channel with a small team.

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