LearnWorlds Review (2023)

LearnWorlds: The Easy Way to Create Engaging and Interactive Online Courses (2023 Review)

Education and learning have seen a significant transformation in recent years. We love the word edutainers. Most people and even younger generations are learning more from YouTube and social media than they do from school and traditional education systems. Many content creators are using online platforms to publish and make their courses available. Among these platforms, LearnWorlds has carved out its niche, offering comprehensive tools for the creation and distribution of online courses.

In this post, we review LearnWorlds features, usability, pricing, and support, to help you decide if LearnWorlds is the right choice for your e-learning needs. Let’s get started!

LearnWorlds in 2023: Create and sell online courses from your own websites.

LearnWorlds Review (2023)

What is LearnWorlds?

Established in 2014, LearnWorlds is a robust, all-in-one platform that allows educators and businesses to create, host, and sell online courses. Its primary goal is to facilitate interactive, engaging, and efficient online learning experiences that can be scaled globally. From individual educators to small businesses and even large corporations, LearnWorlds caters to a wide range of users with a focus on customization and ease-of-use.

How is LearnWorlds different from other online course platforms? (LearnWorlds vs. Kajabi)

LearnWorlds is a great option for anyone who wants to create and sell online courses. It’s affordable, feature-rich, and easy to use. If you’re looking for an LMS that can help you take your online course business to the next level, LearnWorlds is a great choice.

However, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive platform with a wider range of features, Kajabi may be a better option. Kajabi also offers more marketing tools and integrations, which can be helpful if you’re looking to scale your online course business.

If you’re on a budget, Teachable or Thinkific may be better options. Both platforms are affordable and easy to use. However, they don’t offer as many features as LearnWorlds or Kajabi.

PriceStarts at $29/monthStarts at $119/monthStarts at $39/monthStarts at $39/month
Course creationVery easy to useEasy to useEasy to useEasy to use
Course marketingGood selection of marketing toolsExcellent selection of marketing toolsBasic selection of marketing toolsBasic selection of marketing tools
Course salesEasy to set up payments and sell coursesEasy to set up payments and sell coursesEasy to set up payments and sell coursesEasy to set up payments and sell courses
Course playerHighly customizableHighly customizableCustomizableCustomizable
AnalyticsDetailed analyticsDetailed analyticsBasic analyticsBasic analytics
IntegrationsIntegrates with a variety of third-party toolsIntegrates with a variety of third-party toolsIntegrates with a few third-party toolsIntegrates with a few third-party tools
SupportExcellent customer supportExcellent customer supportGood customer supportGood customer support
Other featuresWhite-label website, mobile app, SCORM/AICC complianceWhite-label website, mobile app, SCORM/AICC complianceMobile app, SCORM/AICC complianceMobile app, SCORM/AICC compliance
LearnWorlds vs Kajabi vs Teachable vs Thinkific

LearnWorlds Features

LearnWorlds offers an extensive suite of features designed to enhance the online learning experience for both course creators and learners. These include interactive video capabilities, built-in social networking, a range of assessment tools, and a highly customizable course player.

LearnWorlds Features (2023)

One of the standout features is the interactive video tool. This allows course creators to incorporate quizzes, note-taking tools, and even interactive transcripts into their videos. Not only does this foster learner engagement, but it also aids in comprehension and retention of the material.

The built-in social networking promotes community interaction and encourages users to learn from one another. The course player is flexible, customizable, and fully responsive, providing an excellent user experience regardless of device or screen size.

  • Course creation: LearnWorlds makes it easy to create engaging and interactive online courses. You can add video, audio, text, images, and quizzes to your courses. You can also use LearnWorlds’s interactive tools to create games, simulations, and assessments.
  • Course marketing: LearnWorlds helps you market your online courses to potential students. You can create landing pages, email marketing campaigns, and social media promotions. You can also track your marketing results to see what’s working and what’s not.
  • Course sales: LearnWorlds makes it easy to sell your online courses. You can set up a payment system and accept payments from students all over the world. You can also offer discounts, coupons, and subscriptions.
  • Course player: The LearnWorlds course player is highly customizable and allows you to control the flow of your content. You can drip-feed content, create quizzes and assessments, and track student progress.
  • Analytics: LearnWorlds provides detailed analytics on your courses, so you can see how students are interacting with your content and where they’re dropping off. This information can help you improve your courses and make them more engaging.
  • Integrations: LearnWorlds integrates with a variety of third-party tools, such as Zapier, Google Analytics, and Salesforce. This allows you to connect your LearnWorlds account to your other business systems and automate tasks.
  • Support: LearnWorlds offers excellent customer support. You can get help from the LearnWorlds team via live chat, email, or phone.

Here are some additional features that are worth mentioning:

  • White-label website: LearnWorlds allows you to create a white-label website for your online academy. This means that you can remove all branding from the LearnWorlds platform and replace it with your own branding.
  • Mobile app: LearnWorlds offers a mobile app for both iOS and Android devices. This allows your students to access their courses on the go.
  • SCORM/AICC compliance: LearnWorlds is compliant with SCORM and AICC standards. This means that you can import your existing SCORM and AICC courses into LearnWorlds without any problems.


With its user-friendly interface, creating an online course on LearnWorlds can be a seamless experience. The platform offers a drag-and-drop editor, making it easy even for users with minimal technical knowledge to design courses that match their vision. Furthermore, it provides a rich library of pre-made templates to help get you started.


LearnWorlds’ pricing structure is reasonably straightforward, with three primary tiers: Starter, Pro Trainer, and Learning Center. Each tier offers an increasing range of features, with the Pro Trainer and Learning Center tiers adding premium features like white labeling, bulk student uploads, and more.

While the pricing can be slightly on the higher end compared to other platforms, the value provided in terms of features, customization options, and user experience makes it a worthy investment for many.

LearnWorlds pricing (2023)

Customer Support

LearnWorlds provides excellent customer support with an extensive knowledge base, email support, and live chat. For higher-tier customers, LearnWorlds offers priority support and free onboarding. User reviews frequently highlight the team’s responsiveness and willingness to go above and beyond to address concerns.

Learnworlds trusted brands

Conclusion: Who is LearnWorlds for?

LearnWorlds is an exceptional tool that has kept up with the ever-evolving needs of the e-learning industry. It offers an extensive feature set, easy-to-use interface, and excellent customer support. Though its pricing might be a slight deterrent for some, the platform’s robust offerings and customizable features can justify the investment for those serious about creating a comprehensive, interactive, and engaging online learning experience. The platform can be a valuable tool for individual educators, SMEs, and large enterprises alike.

LearnWorlds proves to be a reliable and innovative platform in the e-learning market, providing users with the tools they need to create, market, and sell their online courses successfully.

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