adcreative ai v4 | Feisworld

NEW: V4 Exclusive 68% OFF (24 hrs only) V4 is here with new features available and a very limited and exclusive 68% off discount for only 24 hours (use code: TODAY68). The new version got announced today, June 30th.


You need to apply the code and purchase a package before June ends.
If by July, you don’t have a paid package, the discount will be cancelled automatically.

Let’s check out these new features one by one! V4: What are the new features? v4 New Features

Ad Package

When creating an ad, you need a strategy, creatives, audiences, and text. Ideally, all these components should be conversion-focused and follow the latest best practices. Thanks to AdCreative’s Ad Package feature, you can generate all these elements at once using their unique AI models.

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Text Projects Pro

AdCreative’s collection of more than 250,000,000 effective ad texts and headlines has taught us what writing techniques work best. Start making ad texts focused on getting results. No one else in the market can offer this feature (yet) thanks to their unmatched dataset.

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New Design Capabilities

AdCreative has made their creative analysis better. Now, they can make completely new designs that weren’t possible before. AdCreative AI can add blurry parts, shadows, and many other things to make your designs look like a pro made them.

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Additional Credits

You may occasionally need more credits for seasonal projects, or sometimes you might exceed your package limit. If you do not wish to upgrade, you can purchase Additional Credits that do not expire, making them the perfect addition to your monthly packages.

New feature walkthrough (video)

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