BeeVirtual for musicians
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BeeKonnected: Transform Your Portfolio and Brand as a Musician in Virtual Meetings (2024)

Musicians are constantly seeking innovative platforms to showcase their work and build their brands. However, traditional virtual meeting platforms such as Zoom, and Google Meet Microsoft Teams aren’t designed to make musicians or their music stand out. A new player on the market, BeeKonnected, is here to transform our portfolio and brand with a few simple clicks.

What if virtual meeting and webinar platform can help you:

  • Close more sales, increase your value and price as a musician in front of production companies and agents
  • Reskin your virtual meetings with call-to-actions (CTAs) that convert followers to raving fans
  • Include various CTAs for social media, Spotify, website, and more so production companies and agents can easily find what they need
  • Directly embed audio and video with full control to showcase your work in the best light possible, and in real-time
  • Livestream on up to 5 platforms at no extra cost and engage with your audience like a pro
BeeKonnected for Musicians

BeeKonnected is a game-changer in the realm of virtual meetings, with features tailored for musicians that can elevate a musician’s portfolio and brand to new heights.

Very special thanks and shoutout to our featured singer songwriter, Tharyk, whose music has moved people from around the world.

The BeeKonnected Advantage

Customizable Call-to-Action Buttons

BeeKonnected standout feature is its customizable Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons. You can include up to three permanent CTA buttons on the sidebar, directing attendees to your social media profiles, personal website, or music streaming platforms like Spotify. This seamless integration ensures that your audience can connect with your work beyond the meeting room, fostering engagement and expanding your reach.

BeeVirtual for Musicians (2024)

Dynamic Audio and Video Control

The ability to control audio and video playback within the meeting is a game-changer. Imagine playing your latest music video or song for a group of production company executives or agents, and then seamlessly pausing to discuss the creative process behind it. This capability not only enhances the presentation of your work but also allows for a more interactive and engaging discussion.

Screenshot by Dropbox Capture 2 | Feisworld

Customizable Popups

Custom popups can be used to highlight your social media handles, website links, or any other relevant information. This feature is particularly effective in keeping your audience engaged and informed without overwhelming them with too much information at once.

Screenshot by Dropbox Capture 3 | Feisworld

Call-to-actions (CTAs) and pop-ups are also fully customizable with featured images, CTA buttons, button captions, and target websites.

Screenshot 2024 01 18 at 4.41.07 PM | Feisworld

Fully Interactive Website Popups

With BeeKonnected, you can embed fully functioning and interactive website popups. Furthermore, you can control opening/closing, scrolling, and clicking of these sites as a host and as an attendee! This way, I (as an attendee) can choose exactly how and for how long I want to interact with anything shown on BeeKonnected.

BeeVirtual and Tharyk: skin for musicians

These are some of the more popular features of BeeKonnected for musicians. It feels like I’m only scratching the surface by telling you what we like the most.

Why BeeKonnected Over Traditional Platforms?

Personal Branding

BeeKonnected allows musicians to design their meeting rooms to reflect their personal brand. This level of customization is not available on platforms like Zoom or Google Meet. By creating a space that visually represents your artistic identity, you establish a stronger connection with your audience. Needless to say, you will also stand out more in front of potential business opportunities with record labels, production companies, and agencies.

Easy Showcase and Sharing

Traditional virtual meeting platforms are not designed with artists in mind. BeeKonnected, however, makes it easy for musicians to showcase and share their work. Whether it’s a new music video, a track from your latest album, or a sneak peek of an upcoming project, BeeKonnected simplifies the process of presenting your work to an audience, whether they are fans, potential collaborators, or industry professionals.

Business Use Cases

For business meetings with producers, agents, or production companies, BeeKonnected offers a professional yet creative environment. The platform allows you to present your work in a manner that is both engaging and professional, enhancing your chances of making a lasting impression.

10 Ways To Use BeeKonnected As a Musician

Let’s brainstorm what you can use BeeKonnected for! Here’s a list I started after speaking with several musicians including Tharyk who’s featured in this post. What are you most excited about? Can you think of anything else? Please be sure to share with me in the comment below.

1. New Single or Album Launch Party

Musicians can host virtual launch parties for new singles or albums, showcasing their latest work to fans, media, and industry professionals. The interactive environment allows for real-time feedback and engagement.

2. Virtual Meet-and-Greet with Fans

Organize exclusive meet-and-greet sessions for fans. This can be an excellent opportunity for Q&A sessions, sharing behind-the-scenes stories, and building a personal connection with the audience.

3. Collaboration Discussions with Other Artists

Use BeeKonnected for brainstorming and discussing potential collaborations with other musicians, producers, or songwriters, sharing ideas and samples in real-time.

4. Music Workshops or Masterclasses

Conduct workshops or masterclasses, teaching specific skills or sharing insights about the music industry. This could range from songwriting sessions to music production tips.

5. Fan Club Holiday Parties

Host special events for fan clubs, like holiday parties or fan appreciation events. These can include performances, games, and interactive sessions.

6. Album Listening Parties

Prior to an album release, musicians can host listening parties, playing tracks from the upcoming album and discussing the inspiration behind each song.

7. Pitch Meetings with Record Labels and Agencies

BeeKonnected can be used for formal pitch meetings with record labels and talent agencies, presenting music portfolios in a professional yet creative setting.

8. Crowdfunding Campaign Launches

Kick off crowdfunding campaigns for new projects by hosting an interactive event, explaining the project details and how fans can contribute.

9. Online Music Festivals or Concerts

Participate in or host online music festivals or concerts, allowing musicians to perform live and reach a broader audience.

10. Feedback Sessions on New Material

Gather a select group of fans or industry professionals to provide feedback on new material, using BeeKonnected’s interactive features to gauge real-time reactions and suggestions.

These use cases highlight the versatility of BeeKonnected as a platform, offering musicians numerous opportunities to connect with their audience, collaborate with peers, and expand their reach in the industry.

Dos and Don’ts in Running Virtual Meetings and Webinars on BeeKonnected


  1. Be Prepared: Have your videos and music files ready to play. Familiarize yourself with the controls to switch seamlessly between different media.
  2. Engage Your Audience: Use the CTA buttons and popups wisely to engage your audience. Encourage them to visit your social media profiles or listen to your music on streaming platforms.
  3. Tell Your Story: Use the opportunity to talk about your work. Share the inspiration behind your songs or videos, making the meeting an immersive experience.
  4. Customize Your Space: Tailor the virtual meeting room to reflect your brand. This visual representation can make a significant impact on how your audience perceives you.


  1. Avoid Overloading: Too many popups or CTAs can be overwhelming. Keep it simple and relevant.
  2. Don’t Be Salesy: The primary goal is to showcase your work and brand, not hard sell. Let your talent speak for itself.
  3. Don’t Neglect Audio Quality: Since music is your forte, ensure that the audio quality is top-notch. Poor audio can detract from even the most compelling presentation. Consider a practice-run prior with colleagues, or record the session so you can learn and improve from playback.
  4. Avoid Technical Glitches: Test your setup before the meeting. Technical issues can be distracting and unprofessional.


BeeKonnected is not just another virtual meeting platform; it’s a potent tool for musicians to amplify their brand and portfolio in a digital space. By leveraging its unique features, you can create a memorable and impactful virtual presence. Whether it’s a meeting with a record label, a collaboration discussion with other artists, or an interactive session with fans, BeeVirtual offers an unparalleled platform to make every meeting an extension of your artistic expression. Embrace this digital revolution and let BeeVirtual be the stage where your musical journey resonates with the world.

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