
GlossAi: Content Repurposing and Human-like Editing with AI

GlossAi is a smart AI content generator that can turn any single piece of content into many short-form videos, highlight reels, blog posts, ebooks to be published on various channels.

GlossAi doesn’t merely rely on text analysis. Instead, it’s trained to analyze text, tone, pace, facial expressions, and audience engagement using over 500 million articles and data items. What we like about GlossAi is that it achieves human-like editing in near-real time with finishing touches to more storified outputs. Hence they are of higher quality and ready to share.

Previously we had written a lot about content repurposing and smart AI tools that help you do just. But why add one more like GlossAi?

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What You Get From GlossAi

  • Snippets (short-form videos)
  • Essentials (summary, chapters, full video)
  • Documents (eBook, blog post)
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Unlike most video repurposing tools that solely focus on short-form videos for social media, GlossAi adapts to your entire workflow including eBooks, and blog posts that can be repurposed as lead gens, marketing materials, and making more use of a single source of content in video, audio and text.

How Stories and Snippets are Created through GlossAi

It’s one thing to say that an app is different, but another once you see what goes on behind the scenes. Inside GlossAi, a snippet isn’t created based on a single segment based on chronological order. For example, GlossAi isn’t simply taking the 30 seconds between say 1:30 – 2:00 (minute mark). Instead, it has built-in functionalities to look for and build from:

  • A hook
  • An intro
  • One or more bodies of content (based on interest and relevance)
  • Conclusion (outro)

Looks familiar?! This flow is exactly what masterminds such as Brian Dean teaches in his famous blog, Backlinko, and specifically how you should script any YouTube videos.

Instead of hiring seasoned video editors who would spend hours looking for these moments from your long-form videos, GlossAi makes it possible through their unique content repurposing and automation using AI.

Screenshot by Dropbox Capture 20 | Feisworld

GlossAi shows you what’s been taken from your long-form video, and gives you the flexibility to make revisions through their Advanced Editor feature. If you prefer a different hook or need to another body of content, you can do so easily with their video editor through text, similar to Descript.

I like the ability to edit video through text because it can you precise control over what to include or eliminate for the final output.

A Summary/Trailer For Your Content

Another exciting output from GlossAi is what they call a Summary, and what I call a “trailer or highlight” for your long-form content. This piece is so essential and yet challenging and expensive to create with AI.

Exactly as it sounds, a summary or a trailer should be what people see FIRST before they commit to engaging with your long-form content. If not, people would watch seconds of the not-your-highlight reel, walk away, and never return!

It’s harsh but true! Seth Godin talks about permission marketing which means, you need to earn people’s trust to engage them, and you have to do that FAST. In today’s content marketing landscape, you have seconds, not minutes.

GlossAi uses its summary feature to stitch together the most attention-grabbing, keyword-dense segments of your content, and you can leverage this summary on a landing page, social media, and ads to triple your reach and conversion.

Most of the GlossAi summary videos I have seen so far are between 2-5 minutes long.

What if you want the summary video to be longer or shorter? Simple, you can add new “moments”, or delete recommended segments using their advanced editor.

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Here’s what my webinar summary video looks like without any editing. Before I share it with my audience, I’d prefer to trim it down even further to under 1-2 minutes, and in some cases, to create more than one version to attract slightly different audiences as well.

Format and Stylize

Many creators and businesses prefer the ability to upload a brand kit and easily change elements on the video such as fonts, imagery, other media, and audio of choice. GlossAi’s Stylize feature allows you to make these changes easily without having to purchase or open another editing tool.

Screenshot by Dropbox Capture 21 | Feisworld

Ebook and Blog

Perhaps two of the unique outputs for a content repurposing tool such as GlossAi are Ebook and Blog. You don’t typically get these deliverables. I had only seen them inside AI writers for podcasts such as Castmagic and Swell AI. For that reason, GlossAi seems to be giving you the best of both worlds – content repurposing, and long-form text outputs like ebook and blog.

I ran a test with my one-hour webinar “Full-stack content marketing with AI” and here is the ebook and blog post I received exactly as they were generated by GlossAi, with no modification or revisions. What do you think?

As with all AI-generated content when it comes to text content (blogs, ebooks, social posts), I find it necessary to human-verify them and apply revisions as needed. However, GlossAi has truly made it easy to generate long-form documents such as these.

Alternatively, creators and business owners like us would have to hire a virtual assistant or a content manager to help summarize a long-form video or webinar before we can finalize the content. It’s fair to say that GlossAi has knocked off hours of work if not more from each long-form input.

Key Features for Your Entire Workflow

To summarize all the key features from GlossAi, they would be:

  • Long form to short form: Turn your long, yet valuable content, into dozens of single/multi-moment snippets tailored for all social media platforms.
  • Multi-format repurposing: Quickly fill up your content calendar through new marketing channels with generated eBooks, blog posts, newsletters, and more.
  • Localization and accessibility: Reach your full potential global audience with AI-based or human-assisted solutions supporting over 200 languages.
  • Editing wizard: Discover our inbuilt editing software which enables your auto-generated content to truly align with your brand book with text-based and timeline editing.
  • Prompt-based personalization: Tailor your generated content to suit all channels – in content, format, length, and style. The system will even write posts for the various social media channels.
  • Workflow integration: Automate your content creation to distribution workflow with >100 integrations to existing systems and additional on-demand support.


GlossAi offers 4 packages:

  • Free: $0, up to 60 upload minutes (or two videos), 30-min in length or less
  • Basic: $49/month, up to 1000 video upload minutes, 40-min length or less
  • Pro and Premium do not have public pricing information
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Get a 10% exclusive discount with FEISWORLD@GLOSSAI (for basic and pro packages)

Conclusion: Is GlossAi worth exploring for creators and content-based businesses?

Oh yes! I hope it’s clear that GlossAi is designed with some powerful yet different bells and whistles that can better integrate with your content repurposing effort. In particular, I find GlossAi to be primed for more business-oriented content such as podcasts but also webinars and deep knowledge-sharing sessions.

How are you currently repurposing your long-form video and audio content? Do you find these features from GlossAi interesting and different? Please let me know in the comments below.

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