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Audioship: The Easiest and Fastest Way to Upload Audio Podcast on YouTube (2023)

Video podcasts are getting more popular, but did you know that your audio podcast can also be uploaded as videos on YouTube? Audioship helps you do that in minutes (not weeks) in just a few steps.

Why you should share your audio podcast on YouTube?

There are many benefits to making your audio podcast available on YouTube.

  • Reach a wider audience. YouTube has a massive audience of over 2 billion active users, so sharing your podcast on YouTube can help you reach a wider audience than you could with other podcasting platforms.
  • Increase discoverability. YouTube’s search algorithm is very effective at matching people with content that they’re interested in. This means that if you create high-quality podcast videos that are well-optimized for search, you can increase the chances that people will find your podcast and listen to it.
  • Monetize your podcast. If you have a YouTube channel that is monetized, you can earn money from your podcast videos. This is because YouTube will run ads before, during, and after your videos.

However, you will need to create video versions of your podcast episodes, which can be time-consuming and expensive without a tool like Audioship.

What is Audioship?

Audioship is a service that allows you to upload your audio files to YouTube in minutes. It’s free to try, no credit card needed. Audioship also offers a premium plan that includes features such as unlimited file size, no watermarks, and 24/7 customer support.

Video walkthrough

How it works

It’s really as simple as steps 1-2-3.

  1. Upload your audio files or add your podcast RSS feed
  2. Add your own image or choose from Audioship’s library
  3. Link your YouTube channel and hit “Publish” (alternatively you can schedule your content to go live at a later date). You also have the ability to set the visibility of your content to be public, private, and unlisted on YouTube.
Audioship: uplodate your videos to YouTube in seconds. (2023)

How to add single audio files to YouTube

If you are getting started with podcasting, or prefer to upload a selected few audio episodes to launch on YouTube, you can choose the “Upload audio” feature. This enables you to upload one audio file at a time.

Audioship add single audio file to YouTube

Once an audio file is uploaded, you will have the ability to update/edit:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Privacy status
  • Publishing time (now, or scheduled for a later time)
  • Thumbnails (be sure to use an image of 16:9 ratio, aka landscape so it fits YouTube’s requirement)
Audioship edit features

Not sure what to choose for the Thumbnail design? Don’t worry, Audioship has some built-in thumbnails and animated gifs for you to choose from below. The wavelength is animated for the final video to feel more interactive, and less static (highly recommend this option for YouTube).


How to add an entire audio podcast to YouTube

What if you want to upload an entire library of audio podcasts to YouTube? Thanks to Audioshiop, it’s as simple as connecting your RSS feed.

1. Locate your podcast’s RSS feed

If you aren’t sure how to find your podcast’s RSS feed, Castos has a free tool for you to look it up easily. After searching for your podcast, you can locate the copy RSS button on the right-hand side.

Screenshot by Dropbox Capture 19 | Feisworld

2. Add Podcast RSS feed to Audioship

Click on “Add podcast” in the upper right-hand corner inside Audioship, then paste your RSS feed into the pop-up box.

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3. Choose one or more episodes to confirm selection

On the following screen, you are presented with a full list of your podcast episodes. You may choose to “select all”, or a few episodes before “Confirm Selection”.

Screenshot 2023 07 18 at 7.07.47 PM | Feisworld

4. Update episode details before publishing to YouTube

After I select just a few episodes, the next screen allows me to customize each episode, or upload them directly based on the existing Title, Description, and Thumbnail pulled directly from my podcast RSS feed.

You will notice that the thumbnail may be square instead of landscape. This is because most podcast covers are square. In this case, you can upload a new thumbnail as mentioned above, in the section titled “How to add single audio files to YouTube”.

Screenshot 2023 07 18 at 11.15.11 PM | Feisworld

What if you don’t want to publish all the episodes at once? No problem! Audioship allows you to schedule one or more audios to launch on YouTube. The “Schedule” feature is under the Privacy status dropdown. After “Scheduled” is selected, you will have the option to specify a time and a date.

Screenshot 2023 07 18 at 11.17.46 PM | Feisworld


Audioship has several pricing tiers:

  • Free
  • Starter
  • Premium
  • Professional

The tiers are based on the number of video upload limits per month, as well as video length (up to 2, 4, and 10 hours).

Screenshot by Dropbox Capture 20 | Feisworld

Is Audioship going to be expensive? I don’t think so. If you are a seasoned podcaster with hundreds of episodes, you can opt-in to subscribe to the Premium or Professional version of Audioship for the first or second month. If you no longer need to upload as many videos to YouTube per month, you can easily downgrade to a cheaper version of Audioship. I foresee the Starter version at $7.99/month will work for the majority of podcasters. The Premium and Professional versions are better suited for creators with multiple podcasts, or podcast agencies who need to manage more than one account.

How much can I expect to grow my viewership and listenership on YouTube?

Is Audioship a silver bullet to massively rocket my podcast viewership and listenership? Not necessarily. Keep in mind that YouTube’s algorithms can sometimes be unpredictable, which can make it difficult to get your podcast videos seen by a large audience.

With that said, you can expect to reach a new audience (small or big) by uploading audio as videos on YouTube. This is especially true for smaller creators.

Buzzsprout did a study in which they revealed that the top 1% of podcasts get an average of 3994+ downloads in the first 7 days of release. But the majority of podcasters can expect limited downloads with audio publishing platforms alone.

Here is the overview of podcast ranks and the Average number of downloads in the first 7 days of release:

  • Top 1% of Podcasts get more than 3994 downloads. 
  • Top 5% of Podcasts get more than 795 downloads. 
  • Top 10% of Podcasts get more than 335 downloads.
  • Top 25% of Podcasts get more than 93 downloads.
  • Top 50% of Podcasts get more than 30 downloads.

For the bottom 50% of the podcasts that get 30 or fewer downloads, YouTube has a lot of potential to help you significantly increase reach.

Because Audioship makes it so easy to publish on YouTube, I don’t see any reason why audio podcasters wouldn’t give this a try. But please don’t rush this effort, I suggest using the podcast’s RSS feed and scheduling content to go live regularly (weekly, or twice a week) to test out this strategy for at least 2-3 months.

Does YouTube strategy (title, keywords, etc.) matter for audio podcasts?

The short answer is yes.

YouTube is designed for search, and not an archive for your video content. Your videos will not be optimized if the title and keywords do not help others find your content.

YouTube Strategy is an area where we specialize in helping creators and businesses like you become more searchable and grow your products and services with quality leads. If you’d like to learn more, please visit this YouTube Strategy

If you prefer to learn more about YouTube strategy for your podcast on your own, one of the best tools is TubeBuddy, an advanced AI tool that will help you create, manage, and grow your channel over time.

Conclusion: Is Audioship worth it?

I think Audioship is worth exploring for podcasters and music producers. It’s one of the simplest and cleanest user interfaces when it comes to uploading podcasts to YouTube. The speed is also quite astonishing! I noticed uploading a one-hour podcast to YouTube in minutes.

With that said YouTube is often the platform that requires more time to process the updated video. This has little to do with Audioship, rather it’s YouTube’s own processing speed that can take up additional time to process these videos.

There is no risk in trying Audioship. All the content created and uploaded using Audioship to YouTube is yours to keep. You can easily find the content through Audioship, or directly inside your YouTube Studio.

Xiang Li Art on YouTube

What do you think of Audioship? Please let me know in the comments below. I’d love to learn more about your content repurposing journey for your podcast.

Ready to start and grow your own YouTube channel?

The YouTuber Starter Guide

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  1. Do you know what’s happened to audioship? Files won’t upload and there doesn’t seem to be anybody there – been emailing/messaging for days about the problem with zero response. Does it still exist? Don’t know who else to ask.

    1. Hi Caz, I just tried uploading audio to audioship and it’s working for me. Perhaps try a different browser? Clear cache? Sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties. I must say that most apps do not have proper support unfortunately.

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